bakery-style butter cookies (2024)

  • SallyT

    YESSSSSSSS!!!! I just checked Amazon to see when my book is arriving – is it weird if I leave work early to go home and read it? (Don’t tell anyone…). I can’t wait to make these cookies, but more importantly, see you TOMORROW! THANK YOU!

    1. Angela

      Ha. I had the same debate myself. Is it 5 o’clock yet?

      1. Maggie

        The taste of the cookie is more akin to Danish butter cookies that are bought in a tin at Xmas time. I was really hoping these would taste like the cookies of a New York Italian bakery. I was disappointed.

        1. deb

          You might wish to add some almond extract and a drop of lemon oil for more of the Italian bakery flavor.

          1. Maggie

            How much almond extract? How might I get the cookies to spread after they bake? They did not flatten to gain width and I found them a bit dense. I tasted them again today and they taste different…better. They don’t taste like Danish cookies today. I just gobbled down three of them. However, I still would like them to gain width. Any help would be appreciated. I had given a few away and the person called raving about their taste. 😊

            1. deb

              If they didn’t flatten out at all and you used a cup measurement for flour, that was likely the culprit — too much flour. For almond extra, I go easy on it — 1/4 teaspoon to start.

              1. Maggie

                Thank you. I will use my scale. 😊

              2. Maggie

                Using 242 grams of flour, which is 2 grams more than 1 cup, 260 grams is more than 2 cups, and using 3 teaspoons of vanilla, this was piped with ease. I also used a stand mixer. Adding the jam to the cookie with a spoon was quicker and neater. This batch came out so much better than the first. Thank you for this recipe. ♥️

                1. Nancy

                  Thanks for your comments about using less flour and more vanilla. My dough was way too thick to pipe. I warmed it a bit, asked my husband for help and finally had to just make little balls of dough after my piping bag burst. They taste good, but I was so looking forward to them looking like the photo!

        2. Linea

          I tried this recipeand the cookies completely lost their shape :( They spread out too much.
          I kept wondering how the dough would retain its shape after being piped and if I should add more than a cup of flour.

          1. Janis

            I’ve made these cookies at least five times now. The first time did not go well. The dough was much too thick and dense to go through a pastry bag or a piping tip. The second time I made them I made sure that the butter was so soft it was on the verge of melting but not quite and that did the trick. I was able to get it through a cookie press and I was able to squeeze it through a pastry bag with an open star tip. I have never once had an issue with the cookies spreading. I would tell you to try the recipe again and make sure your butter is quite soft. Perhaps you might want to let your cookies chill in the refrigerator for a few minutes before you bake them which usually helps with spreading.

            1. Liz

              I tried these once and they spread and lost their piped shape. They were sad, flat little fingers. I tried refrigerating and even freezing after piping, but they couldn’t hold their shape.

              1. Cindy

                Just made these successfully. This is what is did:
                Weighed 260 grams of flour.
                Mixed 2T half and half (I don’t have milk in my house) into the batter before adding the flour.
                Even more important I think is the butter. It has to be absolutely soft. I put the butter on the counter last night. Today I boiled a cup of water in the microwave. Then I put the butter in the MW with the cup of hot water for about 10 minutes. DO NOT microwave the butter. The butter sits in the MW with the hot water and softens up some more. Then you can beat the butter with the mixer till pale. Happy Baking!

  • Jane M

    If I buy the book now can I still come to Maplewood to see you in December? These cookies look fantastic. I need a trip to NY Cake PRONTO!

    1. Robin

      I’m going to pick up the book at Words this weekend and was planning to ask them then. :)

  • Ramadivya

    Yay! I’m so happy it’s finally here — I wish I could come out to one of the Washington DC dates but alas I work so far away and TRAFFIC :( Anyways, I can’t wait to pick up a copy and can’t wait to try some of the vegetarian mains!

    1. Beth

      The tofu with sesame peanut sauce is amazing!

      1. Ramadivya

        Awesome – I ordered the book today! I have tried many dessert recipes from the blog (peanut butter crispy bars, triple berry summer buttermilk bundt, pumpkin bread! only to name a few), so I am rather excited to try some savory vegetarian dishes from the book.

    2. Kris

      This didn’t work, they were very flat – like Pepperidge farm milanos – maybe it’s missing baking soda?

      1. deb

        They are supposed to flatten out as they bake but not be that flat. Did you use weights or cups? Both work, but there are more variables with measuring cups, of course. You could try a smidge more flour next time; that should be all it takes.

        1. AliceR

          I wonder if you can add the “soften dough for a while” to the instructions; I’m an experienced baker and just had the recipe fail for a 2nd time – it broke the pastry bag, even after I loosened the dough with some milk before loading the bag. That led me to the comments section, and it turns out I was not the only one!

  • Charlotte in Toronto

    I’ve been waiting for these cookies since you teased us with them about a year ago. I’m so excited to see you on Thursday night. Congratulations on your new book. 💟

  • Susan

    Deb, it is gross and cold and rainy here for the second day in a row and my afternoon is full of Very Important Meetings but if I get the Amazon push notification that your book has arrived at my house I will be Very Tempted to come down with a sudden illness and run home through the rain to immediately Cook All The Things. Mazel tov!

  • My copy arrives today! So excited!! Hoping to see you when you come through Portland later this year.

  • Beth

    I’ve already made two dinners and one dessert from your new cookbook (I got an advanced copy) and everything has been delicious.

  • I was SO EXCITED to get the book yesterday, and reading the table of contents alone made me terribly happy. I got unexpectedly busy last night, so I’ve barely gone into it, but the intro — and I rarely read intros — was so warm and inviting that I sighed. Thanks for all the writing you’ve done over the years, which is an inspiration and a touchstone for me in my own work.

    And thanks, also, for these cookies! I didn’t grow up with this kind of cookie — is it a Northeast thing? — but they look so inviting and friendly. Looking forward to it.

  • Tzipor

    Will this work in a cookie press? I’ve noticed a lot of recipes will work in a piping bag and cookie press (all though i know they will be differently shaped) i love the press though, makes dozens of cookies in half an hour <3 I love your website to Deb, only food blog I read, and you describe food so well, even stuff I might not like you make sound good

    1. Gretchen B.

      Did you try to yet? It seems to me it could work with a cookie press. I love using mine!

      1. Beth

        I tried it in my plastic Wilton cookie press and had to squeeze hard enough that it broke the handle, at which point I switched to the sliced-dough-log technique.

        1. Carrie M.

          I just came to find out if anyone had the same problem. My piping bag broke before I could get any dough out of the tip. (I eventually piped them just through a hole in the tip of the bag- not as pretty though.) It definitely needs to be thinned somehow, just a bit.

          1. Patricia

            Let your dough warm a bit and the piping bag will work better. My hand was killing me, until I let the dough soften up a bit.

            1. Mary

              Agreed. I let the dough rest for a moment while I tried to figure out a plan b and I was able to squeeze my pastry bag after that. Maybe folks aren’t using a large enough star tip? I used 2 cups flour and didn’t weigh it, just fluffed, scooped, and leveled. I’m refrigerating them before I bake in hopes they hold some of their shape.

          2. Allysha

            I lost a piping bag to this recipe followed by 3 more disposable ones. Not sure where I went wrong. Just came back here to check.

          3. LouLou

            Same here. I’ve been mashingthe dough in the bag for about 15 minutes. I finally gave up. I figure by the time the dough is soft enough to get through the bag, it will be overworked, and also not keep defined ridges. Bummer.

      2. Tzipor

        No, but i probably will try it someday. I have a metal cookie press so maybe it will work ok. And sometimes i add a little milk if the dough is to crumbly mayne would work if dough is too stiff too.

        1. Emily

          Yes my old style metal cookie press does well with this recipie.

    2. Montpelierite

      I tried mine in two different styles of cookie press, because I didn’t have a big enough pastry tip and I read the comments, but it did not work well. I ended up making balls and pressing them down with the bottom of a glass to make a pattern. They taste great but I would not make this recipe again.

      1. Vinny

        Yea. This didn’t work at all. The dough was dry and didn’t go through the tip at all, i even heated the butter before using, finally I heated the dough a little to make it softer and the tip suggested doesn’t make wide enough cookies either, aside from it falling apart when squeezing out. This is can’t be the right method.

    3. Kimberly Shaw Sweet

      I tried to use a cookie press but the batter sticks in the cylinder. Any suggestions?

    4. Emily

      I do this with my cookie press, I couldn’t get the piping bag to work. The cookie press worked perfectly!

  • Sara

    Super excited that your book is coming today (helps that it’s cold and rainy and perfect cookbook perusing weather)! I’ve used your first book at least three times in the last week–last night to sub your pie crust for something I was making because with your recipes I don’t have to think–I just KNOW they are going to work. Congrats and yay!

  • LizS

    Oh, oh, oh! Mine has just been delivered according to my (retired) husband!

  • Emily

    Woohoo, congratulations! I can’t wait to see you in Dallas. :)

  • CindyD

    Can this dough be rolled and cut out? I don’t pipe.
    and so sorry you’re not coming to Phoenix.

    1. jocelinefoley

      I made these last night and piped them through a small hole in a ziplock bag. It was super easy (90% of the work on these cookies was done by four eight-year-olds)!

  • It made my day to see in my inbox that your book had arrived and was ready to download.
    Congratulations Deb. The recipes as always look amazing, book is easy to navigate, great job.
    It’s a great day
    Thank you

  • Emmy

    I sort of thought you would say something about how the cookies will likely turn out imperfect and different sizes, but somehow it always seems to work out that there’s another one that came out extra round or super long ;) that’s my experience with homemade sandwich cookies, anyway.
    I think I will have to try these with my short, cute kitchen assistant.

  • Mary

    Completely distracted at work, because Amazon let me know that my cookbook is coming today!!! I CAN’T WAIT. I made so many things from your first book, loved them, and want to try all the news.

  • kandy

    I rarely buy cookies (since I’d much rather bake my own) but have yet to find a recipe that mimics the airiness of a Pepperidge Farm Mint Milano cookie. Would these be a good base?

    PS—I bake for a restaurant and put your carrot cake on the menu for fall, and it’s flying out the door! 😋

      1. Jane

        When you make these. Are you measuring or weighing? If measuring; sifting first? If weighing. How many grams to a cup of flour? 140 or 130?
        My dough is always a bit stiff. But I do make it four times every December and struggle with the first batch

        1. Yel

          I have the same problem. The dough is always too stiff and won’t pipe through. I weigh my ingredients.

          1. deb

            Just let it warm up a little and soften more. It’s definitely a tough one to pipe but a softer dough won’t bake up as nicely and hold the shape.

  • Saw the video on your Instagram. This looks so so good😍😍😍😍

  • Nancy

    My book is arriving today as well! I’m guilty because I bought it as a birthday gift for myself since my birthday is a few days later…

  • StephanieR

    Congratulations! We are so excited for your new cookbook! I preordered it and may just be waiting by the door all day until it arrives :)

  • Stacy

    I work second shift so I won’t be home until about 10pm tonight (boo!) but I. CANT. WAIT. I will be up all night reading. So excited for you!

  • LG

    Happy book birthday, Deb! I have loved your blog (and the other cookbook) for many years and am so excited about this one. I can see how much love and work and thought went into it and hope you know how deeply we appreciate you. (One of my dear friends and I refer to you as “Deb” in conversation like we would a person we know in real life. “I think I’m going to try Deb’s broccoli rubble this week, have you made it?”) Cheers and hugs and many cookies to you!

    1. Pamela Sanchez

      Love it, you two are not alone, I do this too with a friend (and really my whole family knows who I mean when I refer to Deb :)

      1. Knittingniki

        My husband and I refer very fondly to “that Smitten woman.” She’s very popular at our house!

  • Marshall

    Hi Deb!

    I am likely among many who are eagerly awaiting the delivery of your new cookbook. I’ve been coming to your website for years and I’m thrilled at your continued success and enthusiasm/passion for cooking and baking. Thanks for sharing your kitchen adventures with us :)

  • Debra

    Congrats, Deb! I am so excited to meet you in Dallas and to pick up a copy of the book!!
    I’m wondering if these can be filled with a chocolate ganache…or any other chocolate-type filling. Perhaps that is not traditional, but I am always looking to add chocolate if possible!

    1. Lisa

      I did it that way. They were really good.

  • Katy Belle

    It’s here! My afternoon plans are cancelled so I can read it!

  • Ahren

    I was at Barnes and noble yesterday trying to be good by looking at some vegan side dish recipes but then I saw your book and the vegan books just could not compare! I can’t wait to make the blueberry muffins and the coconut melt-aways!

  • tree town gal

    So excited! And huge CONGRATULATIONS, Deb! We are so proud of you and thankful for your loving and hilarious and non-judgemental guidance. You make cooking a joy… and thanks for continuing to share glimpses of the kids. You know some of us truly come by for just that sometimes. ;) Well done!!

  • Charmaine

    Congratulations; so excited to see you in Dallas!

  • kimberly

    My book has arrived (via AMAZON) & I also have a copy on hold at our local, independent bookstore in downtown Cincinnati. SO EXCITED to read mine & to give a copy as a gift! YEA Deb!

  • Kat from New Jersey

    I work at a bookstore so I got my (pre-ordered) copy at work yesterday evening and I looooooooooooooooooovvvvvvve it. Somehow you managed to see inside my mostly-vegetarian life and invented a vegetarian shepherd’s pie recipe that looks like it keeps the umami richness of the original. Thank you so much! If anything, I think it’s also slightly prettier (shhh, don’t tell anyone but you’re my favorite) than the first, but damn are they going to look cute together on my cookbook shelf.

  • Emily

    So excited to get mine! I had it sent to my work so I’d get it sooner, and I just got the email that I can pick it up in a couple hours! My sister’s copy arrived last night, so she got a preview, lucky her. I also saw a stack on Sunday at Costco (guessing they weren’t supposed to have them out until today but someone missed the memo) and I couldn’t help flipping through it a little, but I mostly wanted to be able to savor my own copy when it arrived. Congratulations on book 2!

  • llane

    My copy was delivered an hour ago. I’ve not quite made it thru the breakfast section and I am already faced with the ultimate dilemma: race to the store for ingredients? or pour another cup of coffee and dive further into this glorious book?
    Either way, my day is MADE. Thanks and congrats, Deb! 💗

  • tessa

    congratulations, deb! this is very exciting.

    i really wanted to come and see you in toronto, but it is not going to work out. (maybe when the third book comes out…!)

  • Cara

    I collect recipes with abandon, but very selectively choose cookbooks. Am I really going to read this more than once? (Once is library material for me.) Will I actually make the recipes? Your first book is one I truly reach for. Repeatedly. Your second has been on my Christmas list for months… Though, my husband did just ask for birthday ideas and that’s just two weeks away…

    1. Julie

      I’m only about halfway through reading this amazing book, but already I see far more recipes that I can’t wait to make than I found in the first Smitten book. YMMV, of course.

      Mazel Tov, Deb! I can’t wait to start cooking from the new book!

  • I will have to wait for the book as I just placed my custom order and know it will not ship for awhile. I kept hoping to figure out a way to make the Chicago or Minneapolis dates and buy a book at those signings, but it is not going to work out. I amused myself by making you promise to get to Wisconsin in my inscription from Strand. Best wishes for a great book tour and I hope I can see you again sometime!
    ps – My grams made cookies like this and they were my favorite. I always thought I would need a cookie press, it never occurred to me to try a piping bag. So excited!

  • Monica

    I’m in the midst of making these right now, first tray just out of the oven. However, I’m getting 36 cookies total out of this recipe, not 36 sandwiches as noted at the top of the recipe. I’m using the same french tip size and I marked out my parchment in 2 inch spaces, so each cookie is 2 inches long. I’m also placing the cookies 4 across, as pictured. The cookies are great, just a note that others might want to double the recipe.

    1. Sarah

      I also only got 40 cookies (20 sandwiches) out of this recipe, not the 36 sandwiches indicated. I also pre-marked my parchment with 2″ lines and used the recommended size/shape tip. Not sure how my count can be so far off…

      I didn’t find the cookies hard to pipe at all, but I always find melted chocolate chips a pain to dip in, and this was no exception. The chocolate was thick and sticky, so I think next time I’d add a bit of butter so that it would be easier to get a thin, slick coating of chocolate.

  • Crystal

    Can’t wait to get my hands on that cookbook! I also worked at a bakery after school in High School! The wonderful baked things that came out of that bakery are unlike any I have been able to find lately, sadly. Thanks so much for this cookie recipe, I will have to try it SOON!

  • Amara

    I went to the bookstore on Saturday and asked them if they had your new book. I’m too excited. Congrats and I can’t wait to get this one!

  • Kelsey Lane

    I am looking forward to buying your new cookbook and meeting you in Seattle on November 13th! Though it will be a challenge, I can be patient until then!

  • Katie

    OMGTHANKYOUFORTHISRECIPE!!! I *adore* these cookies and our favorite bakery closed after 80 years!!!! I’m positive these will bring back memories of the chocolate dipped cookies. And ps-so excited for the cookbook!!!! Congratulations!

  • Hooray! I just got mine in the mail and cant wait to crack it open! It’s beautiful and I know all the recipes are gonna ROCK! Thanks for your tireless work, Deb!

  • Susan

    At last the book, now the tour! You ready? Can’t wait to see you.

  • Anna

    I arrived home after a terrible Monday at work and the book was there!! My husband and I made the giant oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and they completely turned my day around. Thank you for all you do and your wonderful recipes!

  • 2Alexs

    Forget the recipes! I am so excited for you, your family(s), all your readers! Oh Man (as my husband would say would say, from England, then OC) this is so exciting as I say. Pinkies, for good luck.
    2Alexs (Sandy & Alex)

  • 2Alexs

    Oops, yes it because of the recipes. I’m so excited! It’s cuz we luv those recipes, what the heck?!

  • Kimberly


    Question: it sounds like here you made this in a stand mixer. I believe in your Instagram stories you made it in a food processor? Wow, am I a fan girl or what? Anyway, can either be used or is one better than the other?

  • Does the jelly get tackier after a day or two? Filling these with jam on day one just made laughably low-friction cookie sandwiches. I had better luck filling the centers with a smear of chocolate and a dab of jelly. I think I’d try this again; but I’d experiment with some circular shapes for the slippery fillings.

    1. Nicole

      I kept my jelly in the fridge and did not take it out until I was ready to fill. I used Smuckers strawberry jelly — which is pretty gelatinous to begin with, but became more firm after chilling — and piped a thin line on one side of each sandwich cookie. The chilling and limiting the amount of jelly helped me with the slippage. Keeping them in the fridge for a bit after filling and dipping in chocolate also firmed the jelly back up again before serving.

      1. deb

        The jam soaks into the cookie and sets up a bit. It’s slippery at first but will set. Of course all jam brands will vary in thickness (I love Bonne Maman, good price, all natural, etc.) so you may find with yours less goes a longer way. Once you’ve dipped the cookies, if you pop them in the freezer for 4 to 5 minutes, the chocolate will harden and will “lock” everything in place, the cookie sandwiches and also the sprinkles or toppings. Hope that helps.

  • Ahh they look amazing! <3 I must look out for your book at waterstones! :D

  • Molly G

    This post almost made me cry! I am such a huge Smitten Kitchen fan. My husband jokes that all my best meals are “courtesy of Deb.” I just got a notification on my phone that my copy of the book delivered and I can’t wait to get home and thumb through it all. I’m sure all the pages will be dog-eared and bookmarked by the time I’m through reading it. Plus it’s my birthday and my most anticipated gift was this cookbook that I preordered for myself months ago! Thank you for all you do! Here’s to another 11 years of Smitten Kitchen! P.S. I hope to see you in Denver. If my newborn baby allows me to show up… haha

  • Nancy

    How fast 11 years have gone, right!?!!! I wouldn’t want to send it with any other blogger! Congratulations Deb. Here here to many, many more!! Can’t wait to make these cookies and read the new book cover to cover!!!!

  • diwriter

    My son (8) is a huge fan of these bakery cookies. Luckily, we live a few blocks from a great Italian bakery. In fact, I would love to take you there! (Get on the 7 or E trains, and head to Jackson Heights….I’ll take care of the rest….Indian food: Tibetan Momos; Empanadas…

  • Congratulations!!!!!

    Those cookies look amazing.

  • I’m strictly gf/glutard, but am totally saving this recipe for when I need something ‘normal’ to take somewhere. Or to make with the kiddies. They look amazing!

  • Marcia

    Yes! I just got my book. It is awesome. I can’t wait to start going through it. 😁

  • Lahawafa


  • Madison

    Eeeee! I just got my copy in the mail and I have been fawning over it ever since as a batch of your roasted tomato soup gurgles on the stove. Sushi Cobb Salad! Pecan Slab Pie! Polenta Baked Eggs! Dry Rub Sweet Potatoes with Green Bean Slaw!
    I will be cooking my way through this in my tiny Toronto kitchen (I so wish I could meet you tomorrow, but alas I have to work). Thank you for all of the kitchen inspiration and confidence!

  • Jill

    I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it!!!!

    I was home for A WHOLE HOUR before my husband went out and I realized my book had already arrived, and I realized he had put the box in a corner and it had been HERE WITH ME THE ENTIRE TIME AND HE HADN’T TOLD ME!!! Naturally I called him in the car when I discovered it, and scolded him, and SQUEALED when I opened to the contents page and saw the peach melba popsicles (!!!!), and then read him the names of all these recipes I cannot wait to make (he thought I was nuts to begin with and I know he thought I had lost it tonight – but then he got really excited to hear the toasted marshmallow milkshakes are in the book because I’ve been promising him I’d make those forever and haven’t gotten to it!). I don’t even know when he hung up the phone; pretty sure I just kept right on reading the names of these recipes aloud. All this to say – you’ve outdone yourself. Again; as usual. I teared up at the intro – somehow everything about this feels like old friends. This book is a total delight already. And I haven’t even spent a full hour with it yet!

    This book is so gorgeous, Deb. A million mazel tovs and a billion jumping-up-and-down congratulations-you-did-it’s!!! Thank you so much for another completely beautiful book. I absolutely cannot wait to cook my way through it.

  • Paula

    When I was a kid, cookies like this were the best part of weekend trips to visit relatives in the Bronx. We would stop at one of the Jewish bakeries on Jerome Ave. on the way to my Aunt’s apartment. I used to make them when I was baking professionally. Thanks for all the great recipes, book is on order. Can’t wait to meet you in DC next week!

    1. ellent124

      Interesting chart–but I don’t understand cranberries and milk or dark chocolate on the NO list…I have a great cake with dark chocolate and cranberries…

  • Molly

    Deb, I rushed home and, with a kid under each arm, went through every gorgeous page. It’s lovey. Truly. My boys were beside themselves, arguing over which recipe we’d make first. (A fight, for once, not worth breaking up.) You’ve inspired my kids to be excited about vegetables all their lives. Thanks again, Elvis. ;)

  • I saw the book in my feed earlier today – so excited to try butter cookies

  • Heather E.

    I’ve been anticipating this day for so long! My cousin texted me yesterday when she got her “it shipped” email. And I texted her today when I got mine first!! It really is beautiful. When I got to page 5 – granola biscotti – I almost skipped making dinner for the fam to make them immediately. I was excited to see one of my all time favorite SK recipes “one-pan farro with tomatoes” made it and I love the intro – “Studies” are true because I’d never had farro prior and I cannot imagine life with out it again! (I made your butternut squash salad with farro this weekend and it’s amazing!) I hope you know that every “thank you for making me a better cook” comment is genuine. I really truly appreciate every single post (whether I make the recipe or not). Have an amazing Book Tour! All my best, Heather

  • Jennifer Hodge

    I bought the book when I got off work today, and I love it!

  • Robin

    Happy pub day! Will be picking up my copy this weekend. Can’t wait to see you in Maplewood!

  • Francoise

    If these are anything like your sprinkle cookies, they’ll be amazing. I agree that this type of cookie is almost always such a disappointment on the cookie platter. Why do bakeries insist on making them dry and flavorless?! Can’t wait to make your version.

    See you in Maplewood!!

  • Ruth

    I! love! this! book!

    I truly love your first book, and regularly refer a number of its recipes, including the pie crust, apple pie, and apple cider caramels, but just this one feels like it’s on an entirely new level! When I got to the party cake builder section, it felt like you wrote it just for me. I was weirdly skeptical of the title when it was revealed months ago, but, having now poured over the pages and pages of recipes, I can confirm that it is perfect! I could spend weeks in the breakfast section alone. The granola biscotti is currently cooling between bakes.

    Thank you, Deb!

  • Claire

    Mine was waiting for me in the mailbox when I got home today. Can’t wait to dig in tonight!

  • Gabrielle Ayala

    Hi Deb,
    I am a long time reader and first time commenter. I received your second cookbook in the mail today and am delighted (parmesan dutch baby! granola biscotti!!). I got your first cookbook the year I first lived on my own with a kitchen, mostly I made peach pancakes, and once, the pork chops with vinegary potatoes to impress a new boyfriend (now my husband). Your recipes have been with me every step of the way as I’ve learned how to cook for myself and my honey. Thank you so much for this lovely new book!

  • Ashley

    Picked my copy up on Friday. Made the street chicken and rice Saturday and the Brussel sprout pasta tonight. Win-Win! Congratulations. Hope to see you in Mill Valley in November.

  • Mandy W.

    So exciting! Amazon delivered the book this afternoon. I just wanted to say congratulations and thank you!

  • Maddy

    Hi Deb, is there going to be a Kindle edition?! Please say yes! (Shipping to New Zealand is always prohibitively priced…)

  • Noreen

    Hi Deb, piping is not my strong suit. Any ideas on how to shape them? Thank you!

    1. Autumn

      Try using a cookie press, either with the bar shape disc or a coupler with a star shaped piping tip. You can press out long strips of dough down the length of the cookie sheet and then with a knife, cut each strip into cookies, or cut the dough into individual cookies while pressing the dough out. Takes a little practice but works better for me than a pastry bag where you have to maintain the right amount of pressure in order for the cookies to come out uniformly.

      You could also press the dough into a square cake pan or jelly roll pan (depending on how thick/thin you want the cookies), score the dough into bar shapes (pizza cutter works well for that), bake, then cut or break them apart and proceed with filling then dipping them into chocolate. They won’t look the same as the piped/pressed ones, but will certainly taste as good! If you want more of a decorative look, you could make lines in the dough with the back of a fork .

  • Catherine

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! My copy arrived in the mail today, though sadly had been out all day so only now am I able to crack it open. Can’t wait!

  • KJ

    I’m so excited! I just checked Amazon, and my order has left the warehouse! I’m imagining it winging its way over the Pacific Ocean all the way to Australia. Estimated arrival is November 6, but I’m really hoping it comes sooner.

  • Brooke

    My book arrived yesterday, and I had to fight with my 12-year-old and my 14-year-old to even get my hands on it! They think we should try a new recipe from each chapter every week. I’m in, as long as we start with the Sticky Toffee Pudding Waffles! Thank you so much Deb, not only for all of the amazing recipes that are now family favorites (and the new favorites we are about to discover!) but also for inspiring my teen and tween to get into the kitchen with me.

  • Stephanie Hanson

    My book came yesterday, and I can’t wait to start cooking. Thank you!

  • Peg

    Ordered my copy ages ago. It’s on its way! Can’t wait.

  • Deeebbb, yay! Ok, I’m sorry to be “that” a**hole, but is there any way on this earth that I could freeze the dough and have them work for future cookie needs? I’m preggo and I love these cookies something fierce – not only because they’re delicious, but they really remind of me of a favorite time in my life – I really want to bake and freeze for when the baby comes….. I’m going to need these often. :)

  • theenigmas

    Deb, the new cookbook is EVERYTHING. You’ve absolutely nailed it. In fact, the only word I think that really captures how sublime it is (the mix of so many new veggie recipes! The sections upon sections of dynamite pasta, appetizers, and soups! The breakfasts alone! Those carnitas tacos! The cake builder!) is, in fact, “triumphant.”

  • My book came on Monday– insert gleeful clapping– I paged my way through the first 3 chapters and now I have to travel tomorrow. I will be taking it with me! I am definitely looking forward to making the breakfast potato skins and making the dressing with the raw carrot- once I replace my deceased blender. BRAVA!! It is beautiful, can’t wait to discover what else there is.

  • Lorie Hartsig

    Just received your FABULOUS cookbook! I am reading it like a book, trying not to miss a crumb! Thank you….. esp. enjoy the photos of your “helpers”.

  • Where in Philadelphia are you going to be signing books?

  • Miriam Mc Nally

    Thank you Deb.
    For the book, your website, all the amazing recipes.
    I too have a tiny kitchen, and you inspire me to cook, rather than bemoan my lack of facilities.
    This recipe (and the video is brill!) is perfect for a ‘homeless cafe’ that I bake weeks for: something bright and fun to make their lives a little less awful.
    The very best of luck with your book tour, and I know the book will be a TOTAL success.

  • Congratulations Deb! The new book looks fantastic! So many of your recipes are already our favourites, I can’t wait to add more!
    Love the website, love the books! Thanks for keeping dinner (and all other mealtimes!) interesting and fun X

  • megan

    I’ve been making a similar recipe to this for a long time, lovingly in my house called Fat-ass cookies. The recipe is from my ex-husband’s Oma, that’s how good they are: I kept the recipe, not the husband. I like to use seedless jam as it does less to disrupt the crunchiness of the cookie and the sprinkles (or jimmies as we call them). Also, rather than a piping tip and bag, I use a cookie press with a zigzag plate to make the long sandwich portions, and like any cookie I throw the dough in the fridge for little while to harden. These look wonderful!

    1. Kathy

      Megan, Would you will be willing to share your recipe? Thanks.

  • Lindsay

    Thanks to Amazon Prime (insert all the praise hand emojis), I received my cookbook yesterday afternoon! I may have actually squealed when I opened the box. I cannot wait to read it cover to cover. Congratulations!

    Also, thank you for making the actual hardcovers on both your books so beautiful. I like to remove the paper jackets, as they always get torn, but most books are just plain underneath. Not yours!! Yet another thoughtful touch.

  • Kalai

    Dear Deb
    I’m a Singaporean girl reading and cooking from your blog for a while now, and I happened to be in NY this week for work and was mightily pleased I was able to get your book from Amazon on preorder.its not available where I live. It came this morning and I’m happily taking it back home to cook from and enjoy. Congratulations !

  • Margy

    Any advice on piping? I never do well with it. Meaning I never manage to do it at all.

    Your book came from the Strand – beautiful in every way. As other posts say – it shines with love and care.

  • Sugarbear momma

    These are in the oven as we speak. I was sitting in my kids karate class last night obsessing over your new book and yelped to my husband that it says its going to be delivered on WEDNESDAY! Today! I ordered it in May. I am so stoked. I really can’t wait. I might just eat a 1/2 dozen of these cookies tonight while thumbing through your book.

  • Anna

    Like the rest of your fan club, got my copy yesterday and it was definitely the best part of my rainy Tuesday. Which recipe to make first??? I’m excited for the meat dinners (my family are carnivores) and the new baked treats (for me). Also, loved hearing your voice throughout. One question (already!): how long to reheat the frittata? Unlike you, I have tons of houseguests… so this recipe will definitely come in handy, especially as a make-ahead. Thanks, Deb, for keeping it real, and many congrats, on a beautiful cookbook and family!!!

  • SarahJean

    I don’t often leave comments but I read your site all the time, it’s my go to place whenever I need a recipe. I love the way you write, your photos and that you making cooking good food part of real life not something unattainable. Your blog is like reading letters for a pen pal. I am so excited about your new book, I asked for it for my birthday, and cannot wait to get it! I know I will love every page, and I need to make these cookies on my next day off! Thank you for this special place to come and be swept away into dreams of cakes, salads, soups and then like… it may sound super silly but your writing to me is like the kitchen version of Jane Austen :) and the Smitten Kitchen is my happy place. Congratulations on your new book!

  • Susan Polk

    The book arrived yesterday after a very long pre-order wait! It’s fabulous, and you’re the best. And the Pizza Beans from the book and sneak preview blog post are already on rotation with two adult sons in their own kitchens. Thank you, thank you!

  • Leanne S

    Your book arrived yesterday and I never thought a cookbook would be unputdownable, but this one is! My friends and I are already talking about a smitten kitchen potluck party (feel free to steal the idea if it has not already come up) and I have no idea what to cook first, my head is spinning with (if I made X this weekend (where X could be frittata or chicken soup, say) then I’d have lunches etc planned for the week! and I haven’t made it to the meat mains yet!

    I have one question, and as I know nothing about Reddit (sad, but true), what’s a good substitute for nuts in, oh say, the frangipane that goes on top of the brioche french toast? I have a deathly allergic husband and somehow I think my usual standby (sunflower seeds which works well for savory dishes) isn’t going to work here. Although, I guess I could make a chocolate chip version….

  • What is the total carb count for 1 cookie?

  • Cate

    Congratulations on the new book! I have already flagged lots of recipes I’m going to make this week. Can’t wait to explore it more and hope to make it to Boulder to see you. Great job!

  • Congratulations on this beautiful, inviting, delectable book! And thanks for publishing another wonderful addition to our kitchens and bellies. Your talents are very much appreciated in our house.

  • Claire

    Got the book yesterday–LOVE IT! Can’t wait to hear you speak on your tour–see you in ATX!

  • Allyn

    The new book is the BOMB!!! (and I mean that in a good way) I just got through the first four breakfast recipes last night before I nodded off, and I want to make all four of them! Nicely done!

  • Stephanie

    I am so excited to make these as I love them and my kids will love making them with me.

    Any idea on how in the bakery the jam is “hard” and you can peel it off. I have the same issue when making rugelach that the jam part never really mimics the bakery experience. (Will take tips on that too. ) thanks

  • Dear Deb,

    Amazon delivered your book yesterday. I let out a sigh of happiness as I discovered what was in the brown cardboard. My husband gave me a funny book until I said it’s the new Smitten Kitchen Cookbook. I had tears in my eyes as I read the introduction. You’ve been my “cooking friend” for a very, very long time now. As I look through the book, no cooking yet, I can tell I like it better than the first one. So here’s my creeper moment, we spent Thursday through Sunday of last week in New York and my biggest dream was to get to meet you! My only complaint…you aren’t coming close to Ohio, remember we’re the state that gave you Buckeyes. Thanks for your work, I can’t wait to begin cooking with you.


  • Looking so forward to seeing you tomorrow night in Toronto. Total excitement!

    1. Deb, it was lovely to be in the same room as you last night. From what I saw, you were gracious and kind with the kajillion of us who showed up. Sadly, the venue had not prepared (done their homework) and that meant many of us had to wait for a book to arrive (not sure everyone got one), and I eventually had to give up on getting mine signed (and meeting you – that was the toughest part), because I had an hour and a half drive home, and only 70 of the 200 plus of us had moved through the line in 2 hours. So glad so many people showed up to let you know how much we love you, and sorry that the infrastructure didn’t quite work as well as it should have. Next time!

      1. LisaMary

        Deb, I second LisaMNoble’s sentiments – was so nice to see you, from afar, in Toronto. Was so disappointed in the venue, although I snagged a copy of your book I gave up waiting in line as I just don’t have that patience. But I perused it on the (long) subway ride back downtown and can’t wait to make so many of these delicious recipes. It was nice, while waiting at Chapters, to talk to other fans to see what they like to make best – I was pushing confetti cookies HARD.
        Good luck on the rest of the tour – and please come back!!!

  • Diane

    Love, love love the cookbook – it was waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday – can’t decide which recipe to make first!

  • lifeisbetterthere


  • Ruth in VT

    I AM SO EXCITED! This came in the mail just before dinner and I really just wanted to get in bed with your book and read it cover to cover. I settled for surreptitiously paging through during dinner. My husband and 3-year-old humored me. Thank you for writing this beautiful book and including all of us in your process.

  • Karen

    What a lovely surprise package I had on my doorstep! I’ve only had a chance to read intro so far, but all I can say is THANK YOU. You get me. You’re a busy mom with a passion for cooking and you’ve found a way to make it all work with good meals that are unfussy. That is exactly what I need in my life, and it’s so conveniently packaged in a gorgeous book. If this is anything like your last cookbook then every page will be splattered and annotated by New Years. I love that every recipe has a picture, I love how it is organized, and of course I love reading your stories on each page. When I cook your recipes I feel a connection to a larger community and that’s a great feeling. I can’t wait to see you in Denver!

  • Karine

    Deb, I received the book yesterday evening and I looked at all the recipes and beautiful pictures. I simply love your book! Thank you so very much! I definitively have the chicken noodle soup on my list (I used to use the one you have on here and one of my daughters keeps asking me when soup season is), these cookies, the tenderloin,… I love the “build your own cake” section, so clever! I finally have all of the cake components/options in one place. Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this awesome book! I hope to be able to come see you on your tour in Washington DC.
    PS Oh and I forgot to say: your pumpkin bread is the one recipe I make every single year! Several times! Even a friend of my daughters asks for it!

  • Allison

    Deb, I’ve been reading your blog, cooking your food, and baking your bakes for years and years and you’ve never steered me wrong. I’ve recommended your recipes countless times. For me to add your book to my Manhattan apartment is a sign of my great respect for the work you do in the home kitchen. I really hope this effort has brought prosperity to you and your family. Congrats!

  • Meg

    My copy of the book arrived yesterday. The photography is beautiful and the recipes look great. I will be trying many of them over the next few months. I appreciate the large selection of vegetarian dinners.

  • Nikki

    Mine arrived yesterday too and I have no idea what to make first! So many choices! I also appreciate the vegetarian recipes, even though I am not veg, but try to sneak in as many veg meals into the rotation as possible.

    I loved the intro where you talk about the challenge of putting a healthy meal on the table for your family. This is my challenge too. Some days I win, some I fail, but there are more wins in the column because I rely so heavily on SK recipes. You really have made that aspect of my life much more manageable. Thank you, thank you!

  • Autumn

    These cookies are beautiful. I make them at Christmas time every year using a cookie press. Makes it a lot easier to get uniform shapes. Sometimes I use the zig-zag bar plate which makes ripply bar shaped cookies, or I use a star tip that goes into a coupler that fits the cookie press. I’ve made other shapes as well–stars, wreaths, rosettes, etc. Also have flavored them with mint (use chocolate or white chocolate ganache filling), rum, eggnog, almond, lemon, and rose. Adding cocoa for part of the flour makes a good chocolate cookie which is excellent filled with cherry preserves.

  • Joycelyn

    My book was delivered early evening last night which was almost instantly followed by a complete city power outage due to a suspicious power substation fire.
    Power now this next day mid afternoon in our area now back on, thank god, ( not for a good many other’s though) so am eager to peruse your much anticipated second book right after dinner.

  • MJ

    My copy of the book arrived yesterday, and I spent some time looking through it. It’s beautiful! First up will be the red lentil soup, and then the street cart chicken, meatballs Marsala, and short ribs carnitas. Looking forward to trying all of those and more.

  • Laura

    I spent my lunch break at work today reading through this book. I love it! There are so many recipes I want to try. I think I may have to start with the artichoke galette. Congratulations on an amazing book!

  • Just bought your book at Costco and can’t wait to try all the great recipes. Wish you were coming to Detroit for a book signing!

  • Janet

    Amazon delivered my book yesterday. Have already chosen some yummy recipes to make first. Monday I made the sausage, potato, arugula sheet pan dish. We loved it.

  • Cathy

    Your new book is amazing! I can’t wait to cook my way through it. Your photographs drew me in and your writing style is so perfectly Deb Perelman! Love, love love!

  • Dianne Duff

    Three copies of your book have been ordered by me. I think one copy has arrived here in Toronto Canada via Amazon, the other two are delayed by Amazon. I was hoping to get you to autograph at least one of them when you are here in Toronto tomorrow but the location is not downtown like the Eaton Centre so is too far at night to travel . You don’t happen to send out stickers with an autograph which I could put into the front of the books, do you? I would send you proof of purchase and pay for the postage. Or please come back to Toronto during the day, to a downtown location. I am sure others are like me and don’t venture out at night to unknown locations.

  • Tara

    Received my book yesterday and I’m enjoying every page so far. Congratulations!!!!!!!

  • Elizabeth Meadows

    Book arrived yesterday. Already have plans to make like 6 of the recipes and I’m not yet thru the second section.
    Thank you, Deb. You make the world brighter for me. And I guess also for the folks I cook for!

  • Amy ZC

    I made these this afternoon for my mother-in-law’s birthday and they’re just so…perfect. They’re so quick and easy to make and look like they required much more effort than they actually did. I followed the recipe exactly and used red raspberry jam for the filling. I’ll take Deb’s recommendation and add 1/4 tsp of almond extract next time. Thank you for this lovely recipe!

  • Jill

    My husband made the pork tenderloin with squash tonight and it was AMAZING!! We are making it again for friends on Friday night. My kids even gobbled it up! A new family staple, and it is only the first recipe we’ve tried! Congrats, Deb!

  • I was so thrilled to have your book show up on my doorstep yesterday–it was just the lift I needed! I’m still in the ogling phase, where every time I turn the page I get a little thrill. I made the pizza beans tonight for dinner and they’re just as perfect as I hoped. Thanks for being a continual inspiration and a joy to read.

  • ConnieC

    You are such a wonderful delight. SO excited to have my cookbook delivered, and love the recipe notes as much as the recipes. Looking forward to your whirlwind tour through Minneapolis. Thanks for all the great recipes and for sharing a peek into your life with us. Like Tina Turner, you are Simply The Best! xo

  • Bummed to not make it off the waitlist in Boston, but so excited that I will get a signed book! I told the lady at the bookstore that I am your number one fan. Which many people will say of course. Thank you for inspiring me to find my inner smitten kitchen :)

  • carolejm

    Congratulations on your book! And you’re coming to my neck of the woods, on a day I might be able to make it out! Maybe be seeing you soon. Enjoy your tour.

  • Joe Graham

    Congratulations on your book ! And you’re coming to my neck of the woods, on a day I might be able to make it out! Maybe be seeing you soon. Enjoy your tour.

  • Kari

    Congratulations on the book! I haven’t been through it all but I love the Bloody Mary recipe. Where are the glasses from in the picture? They look like the perfect size and shape.

  • I preordered your new cookbook and it was on my doorstep on the day it was released. My daughter and I went through the entire book and made of a list of the order of things we want to make. We started savory with the parm Dutch baby with creamed mushrooms. So delicious and of course, there were easy to follow instructions which resulted in a flawless end product. The only modification I made was to make them in Yorkshire pudding pans instead of one big Dutch baby. This gave us 8 mini Dutch babies/Yorkshire puddings.

  • Lisa Holtzman

    We enjoyed meeting you at the book signing last night in Boston. Congratulations on having such a great turn out (and in the rain no less). I am very excited to start cooking through the book! Everything looks so yummy and fun to make. Good luck on the rest of your tour.

  • Allison

    Deb – congratulations on this book! I preordered months ago and was so excited to receive this book on Tuesday. I’m still flipping through it before I decide what to try first but I must say I’m blown away by the baking recipes. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to make so many cookies, cakes, bars, etc from one book. I might have to “Julie & Julia” this to see how long it takes me to make everything out of this book, but I think it’s safe to say the next 2 months every baking recipe will be made. Hoping I can hear you talk in Boulder in December!

  • Maria

    Oh God Deb I love you :-) these look amazing, and the cookbook cover is sooo beautiful.
    Congrats on another book! Do you want to come to the UK for an add-on to the book tour? We’d love to see you!

  • SusannahS

    The book is already one of my favorites and I’m only about half way through – the pea tortellini in broth is top of my list for this weekend. Thanks so much for all your hard work, Deb.

  • Siena

    Congratulations!! Thank YOU for so many delicious meals and sweets and letting us into your kitchen and life.

  • OMG! I love these cookies. My local bakery has them with apricot and raspberry jam fillings. I am going to make these next week! What kind of texture do they have? Are they soft and crumbly or more crisp?

    1. Rachel

      I made them tonight and they taste just like the perfect butter cookie straight out of the oven.

      1. thanks Rachel! I’m going to try making them this Wednesday.

  • Melissa J Gregory

    I preordered this book, received it three days ago and have already had dinner from its recipes twice. It is lovely. Thank you so much.

  • Lauren

    Quite sure your assistants ( wayyyyy cuter) were not wearing mascara for a publicity shoot…so their real eyelashes are amaaaaazing! They must be excited to see Mommy in print, but not half as excited as we are to have it finally HERE!!!!!! Thank you.

  • Natan Stein

    Congrats on the new book! This may be my first time commenting, but I have actually been reading smitten kitchen and referring virtually every recipe-seeking friend here for the past 7 years or so. Each post is a new joy and we’re all thrilled to have another bookful of your sage cooking advice, sharp wit, sensible nerdiness, and general food amazingness to feast on :)

  • Janet

    Came home to Florida from a summer in Maine and your cookbook was waiting here for me! I read the entire book yesterday and want to make every recipe!!!! Have my shopping list by my side! First up the ‘magical two ingredient oat brittle’ to top our breakfast yogurt; then ‘perfect blueberry muffins’ because, like you, I have searched and searched for the ‘perfect’ one; ‘granola biscotti’ enough said: then, because I have a cold and sore throat, ‘grandma style chicken noodle soup’. You are amazing! Wish you were coming to Florida on the book tour.

  • Allison

    Deb, we are so psyched about your new cookbook. My six-year old twins and I tore through it the moment it arrived. We want to eat it all! Thank you for making cooking (and eating) such a joy at our house. See you next week in Philly!

  • Stephanie

    I haven’t tried these yet. Don’t you need a leavener in these cookies to make them airy? The cookies I’ve always gotten are a little airy inside. I live in the Northeast.

    1. deb

      Not for these. I think you’ll find them light and tender.

  • Heather

    Do you think this dough would work in a cookie press? (Hoping to see you in Denver or Boulder in December!)

    1. deb

      I think so — I haven’t used one but it must be similar. And would look stunning.

  • So thrilled the new book is here in my noisy and messy kitchen! I may need to make these butter cookies—-do they go with red or white wine?——just so I can nosh while perusing. I’ve cooked almost everything from your first cookbook and many recipes from your blog make regular appearances. Thank you for sharing your wit and obsessions! Celebrating your success! And please don’t let the network people ruin your playful spirit and your sense of fun. You are amazing.

  • Heather

    Getting your book in the mail was like Christmas for me! Made the Chicken Marsala Meatballs tonight, they were amazing!! My husband and I had to refrain from eating the whole batch, and even my picky 4 and 5 year old ate them up. What are your thoughts on adding mushrooms? Looking forward to trying most/all the recipes, Sunday we are trying the broccoli cheddar wild rice fritters. Thank you for making my time in the kitchen exciting again!

  • Adriana

    I tried piping these but it seems like the dough was too thick and wouldn’t come out. What went wrong?

  • Susie

    Too thick to pipe! What did I do wrong?

    1. Rachel

      I had the same problem and can’t figure out what I did wrong either.

      1. Helen

        Me too – they would not pipe at all. More like sugar cookie consistency and would roll well?

    2. Nancy H

      I could not pipe them at all. I ended up scooping them into balls and then flattening a bit before baking, which worked much better.

    3. Jessica

      Same! I ended up thinning the batter slightly with milk so it would pipe and ended up with a light, crispy batter that didn’t hold their shape at all. However, they taste just like milanos, so I’ve got that going for me.

      1. Beth

        I’m going to try this again with either slightly less flour or a little extra yolk. I wonder which one would be a better idea…thoughts?

    4. deb

      Try letting it warm up a little. Mine are always thick but not too firm to squeeze. I could see how even a little more flour could throw it. That said, cookies could also be piped with just a round tip (large one) into a tube or maybe even rolled into little balls. I wouldn’t add liquid or anything — these should be just exactly right to spread a little but not too much as they are. If you add liquid, they’ll spread too much and lose their shape and fantastic texture. Hope that helps.

      1. Helen

        Deb – I do think too that the equipment is a thing to consider. I did try waiting for them to warm up and it did not seem to be much easier.. HOWEVER… I used a ziplock back with a piping tip and the bag edge stretch out and *pop* went the tip when I was trying to pipe. I ended up piping sans tip okay.. I wonder if a true piping bag would be needed in this scenario?

        1. Beth

          So many of us are having “trouble” with this (it’s still honestly the most delicious and perfectly-textured cookie base I’ve tried!) that I wonder if a small tweak, like removing 1-2 tablespoons of flour, or measuring the egg yolks, which can vary a bit around the country, by weight, in case some of us might need a bit more, might help?

          1. Helen

            Agreed. The cookie is absolutely delicious! and i did not make it into a sandwich, rather let the littles dip and decorate. Crushed candy bars, sprinkles and crushed oreos. Way prefer it over sugar cookie decorating.

          2. I used a piping bag and weighed my flour and sugar with a dough that was too stiff, too. I ended up scooping the dough and they are baking now–fingers crossed!

            1. deb

              I would encourage you to *not* change the recipe, not because my word is god (ha!) but because as you said, the cookie is perfect. Less flour will lead to more spreading, compromised texture. This recipe is right. You can use your hands to massage the bag a little and warm it up.

              I use disposable piping bags that are a little tougher than plastic bags.

              1. Lemon Daquise

                Made them and they were perfect without the choc/sprinkle exterior. Had to squeeze the bejesus on the tipless plastic bag. Great recipe!

      2. Beth

        Yes, thank you! We’ve already made two batches and cannot get enough of these. I’m using Bob’s Red Mill Organic unbleached (maybe that’s it?) AP, 4 g of protein per serving. I wonder if it might be a brand difference. Warmth definitely does help – I crank the heat up and had somewhat better luck. I’m going to experiment with these as roll-out, cut-out cookies next time.

    5. hodgmina

      I made these last night and had the same issue. I tried letting the dough rest at room temp for awhile, then (being impatient) zapped it in the microwave for about 8 seconds. That seemed to do the trick! After that, it was just soft enough to pipe- I used a tipless pastry bag with the corner snipped off. The cookies turned out great.

  • Amy Mai

    My book arrived Tuesday and I love it so much already!! Thank you!!!!

  • Rebecca

    Congratulations and thank you for the new book! I’ve skimmed it obsessively since getting my copy (just a quick recon to identify what I need to make first) and am settling in today to read every word. I’m so happy! It’s beautiful and well organized and looks so delicious! I can’t wait to start cooking- thank you!!!

  • martha

    Just got your new cookbook from Amazon. Intriguing! Can’t wait to start cooking.

  • Beth

    Absolutely delicious, crisp, flavorful and tender cookies! I can see using this batter in so many applications, especially around the holidays. I used some of the better right away and some after about an hour and a half of chilling. Even after warming to room temperature, the rested batter was stiffer and I wound up slicing coins instead of extruding cookies through a tip or press. I am reminded of something Rose Levy Berenbaum mentioned in one of her books, about eggs being smaller by weight now than in years past, and I wonder if two extra-large yolks in this recipe might yield a slightly softer, easier to pipe dough. As written, the cookies held their shape beautifully. Thank you for sharing this!

  • Hendrik

    Why not use chocolate as glue between the two halves instead of jam – any particular reason? I find jam way more sweet than say a good 70% chocolate and what with the sprinkles I could imagine it turns out just too sweet.

    1. deb

      I don’t find the jam sweet; I usually love the tart contrast with the chocolate and cookie, however, you’re making them for you, not me! Definitely a chocolate filling works. You can use melted chocolate or maybe add a little cream for a ganache that stays a little softer. Just a spoonful or two.

  • Maggie

    HI, Deb! I got my cookbook in the mail and have already really enjoyed reading your short essays before the recipes. I read them while eating lunch, sitting at the kitchen table. I made my first two things last night: the two big oatmeal chocolate chip raisin cookies and the blueberry muffins! That cookie recipe is fabulous! It’s just what you need, you know. I had one; my husband had the other and it was perfect. That recipe cracked me up because of your memory about your mom making the oatmeal raisin cookies from the Quaker Oats container and your neighbor adding chocolate chips and how it rocked your world. My mom also added chocolate chips and that was our house cookie for years! I have not tried the blueberry muffins, but the batter looked and tasted great and they baked up gorgeously! I promised my four year old one when he wakes up, so it shall be, and I probably will toast and add the pat of butter as you suggested! Congratulations. I am so happy to have your book and follow this site. Your success makes me happy! Thank you for caring about what you do and sharing it with all of us!

  • Amy

    Hi Deb – I made these last night and they turned out wonderful. The chocolate seems a bit thick, would you say it is okay to make it more like a ganache by adding some cream to it to thin it down? Also, I may use these as a fundraiser and wanted to know if the base recipe is used for all the Jewish style bakery cookies and you just switch up the sprinkle colors, don’t add chocolate, or change the tip shape? Do you have a recipe for those apricot or raspberry filled twisted cookies – would that be the rugelach recipe?

    1. deb

      Re, chocolate thickeness: We found that with different chips, the thickness varied. With Toll House, very very thick! Even warming it more didn’t thin it. Still worked fine but yes, I definitely think you could thin it — I might use a pat of butter instead because we do want it to somewhat set, and ganache really doesn’t. With slightly better quality chips (not saying these are necessary; all qualities taste great here), it wasn’t as thick nor with melted chopped chocolate.

      1. Amy

        I used Guittard Chocolate. So good chocolate but still thick. Oh yes, definitely will thin down with butter and that will let it set. Thanks for the reminder of doing it that way.

    2. hodgmina

      I thinned mine (boring old Nestle Tollhouse chips) with vegetable oil, which worked great.

  • KayH

    You’ve made me do something I never do, post a comment on a public site. I’ve been lurking around your blog for at least ten years. I can’t remember the first recipe I tried, probably brownies or something with bourbon or brown butter, but I have a lot of favorites now. I make tortellini with prosciutto and peas almost too often. So after all these years, I wanted to share this item.

    I received “Smitten Kitchen Every Day” on Tuesday, baked a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting after work on Wednesday, and won 2nd place at a little workplace bake-off fundraiser on Thursday. That’s a great cookbook.

    Thank you for all of your wonderfully reliable recipes over these many years and for making it fun to try something new. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, perhaps because I love eating and because I want things the way I want them (where have I heard this?). Your willingness to share your own uncertainties and the efforts that didn’t quite pay off with the joy of making and sharing something delicious, helps me to see the failed or unhappy result as essential to the process and to be willing to try again. If it doesn’t work, order takeout. Thanks so much for the recipes and for sharing your story.

  • These cookies are cooling right now (final trays are in the oven) and I’m excited to fill and dip them. I think I either didn’t soften the butter enough, though, or maybe put a bit too much flour? They were brutal to pipe…I had to get my husband to come do it, and even he had to put in a massive effort.

    As a result, mine are nowhere near as pretty as yours, but I’m sure they’ll taste delicious. Should the dough be REALLY soft and pipe easily? There is no way I could do it one-handed and snip with the other like in the video!

    Can’t wait to get the new book! I’m so disappointed to be out of town (stupid job!) when you’ll be in Dallas.

    1. Jake

      Mine also were really hard to pipe, and I tried two separate batches. I had to squeeze so hard the piping bag split open before the dough came out. So I just cut a much bigger hole and it was easier but my cookies are less than dainty.

      Was it the butter temperature? Or subs the flour?

  • I can’t wait to get my hands o this book! I have nearly worn out the first one & check your site first every time I am looking for a recipe. So excited!

  • Mary Sanavia

    These are delicious!!! I used to have cookies like these when I was a little girl but these are sooooooooooo much better!!! Very easy and quick to make and also easy cleanup. (These would be perfect for little bakers, specially the sprinkling involved)
    If the batter is too thick you might want to roll them out (but I didn’t have any problems). Just let your butter get really really soft before beginning and when in doubt, weight the flour.

  • Sarah Monsees

    These are the most delicious cookies I’ve ever eaten or made. I followed the suggestion of adding a 1/4 tsp of almond extract and some lemon zest and I don’t regret it. I also had a difficult time piping these out, so I rolled them into logs and put them in the freezer for 30 minutes, as someone else had mentioned doing, then sliced and baked them. They turned out perfect. Also used raspberry jam for the filling. I only wish I had some crushed nuts or some confetti sprinkles on hand because the nonpareil sprinkles were a little overwhelming in taste and texture (to me at least).

    1. Sarah Monsees

      Update…the nonpariels were not overwhelming at all after letting them harden into the chocolate rather than eating one the moment they were dipped in chocolate. 😅 I wasn’t sure what to do with all of the leftover melted chocolate and ended up covering all of the strawberries in my fridge with it. Basically, everything in my fridge has now been dipped in chocolate and my kids are not complaining.

  • K Peterson

    Dear, Dear Deb!
    Just got your email this morning on Oct. 30, stating it was Tuesday, and wishing me a “Good Afternoon!” Except that it is MONDAY & in the morning! 😳
    Yet you explain everything in a few words later, by mentioning all of the cities you’ll be visiting for your BOOK TOUR!! A different city almost every day! What a whirlwind!! So it’s totally understandable that you might not remember the time of day, or the name of the correct day of the week!
    Hang in there! All of us fans will be so glad to see you! (But I can guess your family will be even more delighted to see you back home!) ❤️

    1. deb

      Whoops! I am trying to do too many things at once. The original email had been intended for the afternoon of 10/24. Got a little distracted. And thank you. I hope you found things you wanted to cook from there, just the same.

  • Brigitte

    The above posted cookies look very good and am eager to make them. My question for you is are they a fine crumb cookie? The ones I remember from my childhood literally melted in your mouth. The recipes I have been able to find are a father crisp cookie..??

    1. deb

      I think you’ll find these closer to that. They’re tender but buttery. They hold a shape but aren’t crunchy.

  • Anna

    Congratulations on your new book! It arrived in my mailbox today, and I immediately sat down and read it from cover to cover. The writing and photography is great, but I would expect nothing else :)
    Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll cook much from it- but that is more down to personal tastes and circ*mstances than a reflection on the quality of the book!
    I just didn’t find many recipes that I’d immediately want/be able to make. Some unfortunately feature ingredients that are not readily available in my part of the world, while other recipes just are not for me (I mean no offense, but American style buttercream cakes or sweet breakfast foods are way too sugary for my personal tastes).
    The biggest hurdle for me is unfortunately that there are very few recipes that are substantial enough to stand up as a meal on their own (half of the “vegetarian mains” chapter- potatoes with cheese would unfortunately not do as dinner in my household. Same goes for the salad chapter; such amazing flavor combinations, but only a couple would be filling enough to constitute a meal). I’m currently just too busy to spend time making something that only works as a side.
    Anyway (sorry for the essay!), thanks for the amazing blog and good luck on your book tour

    1. deb

      I’m sorry to hear you’re not finding much you like in it. I know that not everything will be for everyone and certainly salads aren’t expected to be a filling meal (although we adults do use the kale caesar and others as a light one). Where are you, by the way, and which ingredients are hard to find? I might be able to make suggestions.

  • Brittany

    Love the book so far! Ive made a couple things already and these cookies were in that list. They are so tasty and they were a big hit to everyone who tried them.
    I found these super hard to pipe, my hands were cramped after. Is this normal or did I do something wrong here?

  • Lauren

    Yum! Awesome cookies – I used a food processor, as shown in the video. The recipe is written for a stand mixer. Any reason for the difference?

    Cookies came out perfectly, following recipe exactly, but if making uniform 2” long cookies, this only makes 18 sandwiches.

  • Dear Deb,
    I bought my copy of your new book a few days ago (at my local bookstore) and the recipes look so good!

    As usual, I started reading, marking recipes I want to try with a post it note..
    The post it notes were disappearing rapidly, so I started tearing them in half.
    I gave up 2/3 of the way through your book – I started in deserts, btw :-)

    Maybe I need to mark the recipes I don’t plan to make?
    Love your blog, and Thanks for all the recipes!

  • tringa

    Deb, I can’t wait to get your second book. Your first book has gotten me rave reviews on SO many dinner parties. Even though I completely destroyed my kitchen when I made your hazelnut crepe cake, my parents and in-laws still talk about it LOL…(my dad is a lifelong manhattan restauranteur, and said it was the best dessert he’s ever had, but he might be biased lol) I never leave comments on here, but the caffeine just hit lol, so thank you Deb, for sharing your amazing recipes. Your book is probably the most used on my shelf ! <3

  • Looks amazing and thanks for the fabulous book which can help me lot.

  • June

    I love seeing these familiar shapes and sprinkles! I grew up in NY and love a good Italian bakery cookie. I made a 1/2 batch of these last night to test against the recipe I currently use to make them at home.

    First of all, they are delicious. Like, I kept picking them up and eating them unstoppably delicious. They did remind me more of a yummy, soft sugar cookie though – lots broke apart while dipping even though they were cool. They were so tasty to eat but texture-wise differed a lot from the sturdier, sandier cookie I’m used to finding on a bakery tray you’d bring for a holiday. I do plan to make these cookies again, but probably for a different purpose.

    Also, as others have mentioned – I got just about 20 small cookies out of a 1/2 recipe, so would assume ~40 cookies (not sandwiches) from a full recipe.

  • Courtney

    So Saturday morning I was trying to convey to my husband my excitement over your book, which I pre-ordered months ago, set to arrive Monday. Just out of curiosity, I checked the tracking again and seriously Lost. My. Sh*t. When I realized that it said “delivered”. I hurdled our couch, our cat, and our toddler to get to that door.

    I’ve already made two recipes from it and plan on making many more in short order. Yours is literally the only blog that I follow and this is my first time commenting. THIS is how I like to cook. Keep doing what you do, lady!

  • The cookies do look super delicious!! I’ll sure make them (over and over again, lol), thanks for sharing and congrats on the book!

  • Excellent! Congratulations on a marvelous endeavor . . . I can’t wait to read and cook from it!

  • eljohnstonak

    Like many others, I had a tough time piping these and the yield was around 20 sandwiched cookies.

    If you have a warmer kitchen maybe you’ll have an easier time, but until the batter warmed up in the piping bag from my hands it was carpel tunnel inducing. Everything was measured out exactly, so kitchen temperature is the only variable that’s outside of the recipe’s control.

    If you’re experienced enough to eyeball it and say “that’s way too stiff” just do what I should have done and grab a cookie scoop. This is a great base for any number of butter cookie variations, just be prepared to double the recipe.

  • Annie

    Deb! I saw you last night in Philly and can I just say — you are so sweet and kind and I so enjoyed your talk! Thanks for coming to visit us – felt like a chat with an old friend. I can’t wait to try ALL the recipes in the new book :-) Cheers!

  • Julie

    What size pastry bag do you recommend for this recipe?

    1. deb

      I don’t think I’ve ever looked at sizes. I just have a roll of disposable ones… It doesn’t fit the whole batch, though.

  • nutella

    Like others have mentioned, this dough was WAY too stiff to pipe. I live in FL, so even though I baked these during a “cold spell” my kitchen temp with the oven on was likely around 74 degrees. I ended up rolling the dough into a fat log, splitting it longways, and then cutting 2 inch pieces. I baked them flat side down, and since i’d split a log shape, I had a perfect pair for each cookie that was slightly raised on top and flat on the bottom. They baked up beautifully and I sandwiched them with warmed/ strained/ cooled raspberry jam, which firmed up well. I’ll certainly be baking these again!

  • Susan Esposito

    The video shows food processor to make dough but your photos show stand mixer. Which is best?

    1. deb

      Either works. Food processor is even easier.

  • Pam

    I live in Arizona but my husband is in line to meet you and get my book signed in DC right now! He keeps texting me with great recipes he wants us to try. I’m so excited!

  • The book looks absolutely beautiful Deb !
    I especially like the cover picture, it’s really nice.
    Can’t wait to get my hands on it :)

  • Maggie

    My husband just bought me your new cookbook, so I am presently a very happy camper! I’m already dreaming about all the dishes I can try for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. I’m attempting to bring fresh bread for the first time this year, and those cream cheese drop biscuits look especially tempting.

  • LLK

    I’ll admit I’ve been here since the very early days, eating all the strawberries and dumplings. Life happens though and with two crazy twin toddlers, full time work, construction on our house and a million other things I haven’t been following as closely as I once had. That didn’t stop the excited and joy I felt driving through our little city nearby and seeing your book cover front and center! Congratulations and thank you universe for sending me a reminder to make time for such an awesome site!

  • Amanda

    Thanks so much for coming to Philadelphia Deb! Already tried your suggestion for baked Camembert with accessories and it was just as much a crowd pleaser as you mentioned.

  • Chris

    The new book has arrived on my doorstep in Canada. It is fantastic – even better than the last. I have already made the Parmesan Dutch Baby (brilliant concept) and the Broccoli, Cheddar, Will Rive Fritters.

    This is also a quick note for making me a heroine. My husband and I are building a house right now and all of the units are being built in a factory (think warm and dry with happy employees). I make a point of bringing cookies each time I visit. So far all of the choices have been yours and they have all been received so enthusiastically that the guys have been asking where to find the recipes.

  • Sprinkle Fan

    Deb, did you use your sprinkles left over from that epic 7-pound jar you linked to from the Elmo funfetti cake? ;-) I’m so tempted to buy that mongo size, but was curious to know whether that brand of sprinkles is tasty enough to have on the “tasting surface” of cookies…Amazon reviewers are divided.

    1. Lisa

      I have that giant 7 pounder full of sprinkles and I think they taste good. I often don’t like sprinkles because they’re waxy or have a weird taste but these are good. You’ll probably go through them faster than you think!

  • Janae

    Curious – is there a place (a page on this site, maybe?) that you could dedicate to questions/comments on the recipes we make from the book?
    I love ALL the recipes so much (it’s such a beautiful book!), but I do have a few questions and don’t necessarily want to clutter other posts. Just a thought; thanks!

    1. Shannon

      I think that’s a brilliant idea. Would love to read about what other people are making and ask questions pertaining to the book – as in, I just got a little confused reading the chocolate pecan slab pie recipe. Wondering if the steps may have been printed out of order? 😉

      1. Janae

        I just looked at that recipe and I see what you mean; she has you spread the chocolate in a crust that hasn’t been rolled and put in the pan yet. Oops! Looks like you can add the chocolate step after you’ve frozen the crust in the pan.

    2. Brittany W.

      This would be great!

  • Tamara

    WARNING: This recipe is not for the piping novice. The dough is stiff that my poor piping bag suffered a sizable hernia! Having said that, the dough is so easy to make and yields a wonderfully textured and buttery cookie.

    Overall, great cookie…couldn’t pipe the dough to save my life. Still love you, Deb!

  • Jill

    This going to be my new go-to recipe for Christmas butter cookies. I made them yesterday for a hostess gift. They are delicious and the dough worked really well in my cookie press.

  • Mary

    Such a delicious cookie. Easy to make, especially in the Cuisinart. Delicious flavor (added almond extract) and lovely presentation. Agree that dough was firm, but a little pre-piping massage helped make the process easier. My cookies were slightly larger, so yield was only 22 sandwiches. Definitely a new go-to recipe. Thanks.

  • Carol

    In a moment of well intentioned insanity Inordered some plastic screw top jars with the intent to make some mason jar cakes for a birthday surprise.

    Cake had to be chocolate, but I am struggling with frosting in part because they are going to Dallas.

    Any thoughts on how to impress or at least not totally flop and not lead to severe food poisoning?!?!

  • Beth

    I’ve never had a problem with a recipe on this site before today. I made these cookies and the batter was so thick that it broke the pastry bag. I ended up shaping them by hand but they were huge. Has anyone else had this problem?

  • Beth

    I used extra-large yolks from chickens from a local farmer – the yolks are huge. I had trouble piping for the first couple of cookies but then the dough softened up in my hands and worked perfectly. Maybe try adding another half-yolk if the dough is too stiff to pipe?

    The cookie consistency was perfect. I actually preferred them the second day (I preferred them so much that they’re gone) – the cookie softened a tiny bit where it was touching the jam. I had apricot jam sitting around from overbuying for the rainbow cookies, so I used that and it was SO GOOD. These are far better than the dry bakery version. I’ll be adding them to the Christmas repertoire for sure! And probably doing a version with sprinkles using fall colors for Thanksgiving. We tried both non-pareils and regular sprinkles and couldn’t decided which we liked better.

    I didn’t have any lemons on hand but the almond extract was a nice addition. First thing we’ve made out of the new cookbook and it didn’t disappoint!

  • gugs

    Like others, the dough was too stiff for me to pipe without the bag breaking. I ended up microwaving the dough for 10 seconds in the microwave which made it a little easier to handle. It could be because I used a hand beater and not a food processor like you. I am also not sure if this (heating the dough slightly) caused the ridges to be not as obvious as in your photos (or because I used a Wilton tip and not Ateco) but they were still so very delicious, using very simple ingredients.

  • Allison

    I made my first recipe from the book yesterday – the salted caramel pretzel linzers and they are AMAZING! A little time consuming, but 100% worth it! Thank you!

  • Lisa

    I made these over the weekend and they were really good. I did have a little (ok a lot) of trouble piping these. I switched to a larger opening and massaged the dough in the bag a bit and finally got it going. By the end it was working fine so it was probably that my kitchen was a bit on the chilly side. I will probably use a much larger open star tip next time because my cookies were small. I filled them with chocolate ganache because I’m a weirdo who doesn’t like fruit and chocolate together. They remind me of a milano or lido cookie that way. I still dipped some in chocolate and sprinkles or coconut. Will definitely do it again as they really are a great cookie. Thanks!

  • Caterina

    Hi Deb,

    Your first book was great but you have knocked it out of the park with your new book. I made the granola biscotti and pork tenderloin agrodolce with squash yesterday. Both were outstanding. I am already looking forward to making the lentil soup, street cart chicken….. and on and on. Basically, I have sticky notes on almost every page!

    1. Caterina

      So, I just had to come back and tell you that the street cart chicken, lentil soup and kale caesar were all amazing. This is the only book I have been cooking from since it arrived at my door. You should be so proud of your work :)

  • Jacqueline

    The street-cart style chicken and rice, oh my!!! Great for dinner, the leftovers were AMAZING. Reminded me a bit of my very favorite leftovers – takeout lamb biryani. The salad & pita bread were, you know, fine; but the chicken, rice, and sauce were all that is necessary and good in life.

    We also loved the bulgogi tacos and will be making them again and again.

    That’s as far as we’ve gotten, but the olive oil shortbread and fried plantains are on-deck!

  • Morgan

    Great cookie! Like most other commenters I had troubles piping- but I am a complete piping novice, my butter was still a little cool & I didn’t weigh my flour- all large variables. I ended up doing these in a peanut butter cookie style, with a teaspoon scoop & flattened with a fork. I was at the signing in Dallas last night, thanks for a fun evening!

    1. Judy

      My piping was an epic fail. I ended up spooning and flattening with my fingers. Tasted delicious, but not nearly as pretty as piping.

  • Paula

    Can I use a Wilton 1M tip. Is that a similar size? Thanks

  • Lizzy

    Spoiler alert: this is a cookbook comment!!!! I just got over a longtime fear of working with cold butter, by way of Deb’s “Dreamy Cream Scones” (after several shortbread attempts that didn’t work out). I’ve since been on a scone spree and asked my boss what he thought about everything bagel scones. He thought they sounded gross so I tabled them on my “to-bake” list, until yesterday when I received my copy of Smitten Kitchen Everyday. The “Everything Drop Biscuits With Cream Cheese” happened this morning and they are out of control and genius. I can’t wait to make more and share!
    I have some baking experience but little cooking experience. Whenever I want a new recipe, Smitten Kitchen is always my first stop. Deb, your recipes are so approachable and delicious. Thank you very much!!

  • Bibi Telzak

    Since your new book arrived my husband and I have not stopped cooking from it. The peanut broccoli tofu and red lentil soup are incredible. I just made the dense grainy bread (36 hour rise) and its fantastic! Thanks for doing what you do!

  • cscherz

    Your new book is amazing! I’ve been reading (and cooking from) your site since 2007, but have never felt compelled to comment. When I got my pre-ordered copy in the mail, I thought, “These dishes look awesome! Too bad I don’t have the time to cook like this anymore and even if I did my kids wouldn’t eat most of these dishes.” How wrong I was! I left the book out on the table and my kids (ages 4 and 6) started leafing through it. They wanted to eat (and cook!) everything. My six-year-old son and I have been cooking our way through ever since. (We even made the baked oatmeal twice to figure out where we went wrong the first time. “I trust this book, Mom. We must have made a mistake somewhere. Let’s see what we did wrong.”) Your book has truly banished the drudgery and restored the pleasure of cooking. Thank you for this great source of joy and togetherness you’ve given us. What a gift!

  • Joanna

    I would love to make these, but hung up on the sprinkles – I try to avoid trans fat but pretty much all sprinkles seem to be made with partially hydrogenated oil. Has anyone found any good ones without this ingredient?

    1. Beth

      You could try making your own – Stella Parks and Molly Yeh both have recipes for them.

    2. RO

      You can buy the Dutch DeRuijter brand chocolate* sprinkles on Amazon. I sampled these in Amsterdam and they are real, actual chocolate (as opposed to whatever American style sprinkles are). I went onto their company website and found the ingredients. They’re written in Dutch but there are only about 7 ingredients so you can easily type them into Google Translate. No partially hydrogenated oils! All ingredients you can pronounce. Which is to say, they do spoil so don’t buy them in bulk unless you plan to go through a ton. Deb actually discussed these at some point, maybe for the confetti cookies. *They also have orange and pink ones, but I’m thinking they will taste like actual fruit candy, which you might not want on a butter cookie. Or, maybe it would be delicious! Good luck!

    3. Kathy K

      You might find sprinkles made with real chocolate on the King Arthur flour website.

  • Nancy Kraby

    First of all, these are delicious! However, I must congratulate anyone who was able to squeeze this dough through a pastry bag or cookie press. I was making a double batch, couldn’t budge the dough, decided I must have done something wrong and tossed it in the trash. Second batch, after being very sure to follow the directions exactly, came out exactly the same. After saying things I’m not proud of, I just ended up just using a cookie scoop. I did sandwich some with jam and others just dipped in chocolate. Both ways were yummy even though no bakery would sell my final product.

  • Nancy

    First of all, these are delicious! However, I must congratulate anyone who was able to squeeze this dough through a pastry bag or cookie press. I was making a double batch, couldn’t budge the dough, decided I must have done something wrong and tossed it in the trash. Second batch, after being very sure to follow the directions exactly, came out exactly the same. After saying things I’m not proud of, I just ended up just using a cookie scoop. I did sandwich some with jam and others just dipped in chocolate. Both ways were yummy even though no bakery would sell my final product.

  • Fantastic recipe! These cookies taste delicious and look fantastic. Even though there are several steps to this recipe, it is actually quite quick and easy to make.
    I ‘veganised’ this recipe to suit my preferences but otherwise kept it the same. Unlike some of the commentators, I found the cookie mixture easy to pipe. I think it is probably very important to ensure that the butter is softened to ensure ease of piping.
    A super fun recipe that I will definitely make again and again!

  • Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!! I am so excited! Congratulations… I know what MANY People are getting for gifts this holiday season from me.

  • untilstresseddouspart2

    I can’t wait to see you in Portland and look at your new book! Yay!

  • I was so excited to get the cookbook! Last night I made the lentil soup and the everything bagel biscuits. Yum! For the soup, I started with 5 cups of water instead of six, and that turned out to be just right, as I like my soups thicker. What a great combo of flavors! I’d double this next time making it for 2 adults and 2 teens. The biscuits were moist and tender and got gobbled right down. I added chopped scallions to the batter plus half a cup of ww pastry flour so there would be a little more. I’ll be making these together again, for sure.

  • Vickie

    I’m so, so, so in love with your new cookbook! I collect cookbooks and it’s not unlike me to buy a cookbook just for a couple of recipes that look very good. Your book has so many! Also, thank you for all the beautiful color photos. Years ago I stopped buying cookbooks with no photos. Can’t wait to enjoy so many recipes.

  • Susan

    Eeeeek! I got my copy of the book today and I am so excited! Deb, It’s beautiful. I love the dedication to your children and the weight of this book and the forward …And the first recipe; Rye English Muffins. Hello!

    Thank you for all the long days of hard work, testing and retesting recipes, taking photos and getting it all written out so perfectly. A story for every recipe makes this a book of short stories that I can enjoy even without a whisk in my hand. You’re the best, Every Day!
    Susan in San Jose..

  • These cookes are so gorgeous and surely delicious. You are a wonderful cook and congratulations again on your book!!

  • Leah

    Hey!!! I just heard you on the radio and you were incredible!! You are so sweet and down to earth. Really enjoyed the talk. Good luck with your new book.
    Xxx from New Jersey, Leah

  • Tess

    The cookie part tastes good, is great with tea on its own, but I had no luck making them into beautiful sandwiches and dipping them. My cookies weren’t as pretty, and my chocolate was SO thick when it was melted that there was just no way! I really wish there was a way to upload a “nailed it” photo so I could give you all a good laugh. I guess my “every day” is different than Deb’s. 😂 Never again!

  • Reva

    Delicious! Given the other comments, I preemptively decided to warm the dough a bit in the microwave for about 15 seconds before putting into the piping bag. It piped well after that, though I found it easiest to squeeze near the tip, and then push the rest of the batter down as needed. I put the piped cookies back in the fridge for 15 minutes to firm up before baking them. Like other commenters, I got fewer cookies than the recipe suggested – just 21 sandwiches – but they really came out great.

  • Tama

    I also had no luck piping the very thick batter through a star tip. So I removed it and piped the cookies through the bag using no tip at all. “Cheated” a texture by running fork tines lightly on top of each cookie. They look pretty good!

  • Ah an, those biscuits look so evil-y delicious!! I love that the ingredient list is nice and small and that they look so easy to whip up! Congrats on the new book too, love the front cover and hope your book tour goes well!!

  • Lee Ann

    Are you ever coming back to post on your blog again? I really miss you!

    1. Courtney

      I second that, Lee Ann! I know you’re touring which I’m sure is amazing and keeping you super busy (as if being a mother/wife/daughter around the holidays is not hectic enough!), but just know that you are missed here! And you’re not coming to my city (GO BILLS) so I can’t get my SK fix! Hope to see you back on here soon, Deb!

  • Congratulations 🎊! I’m so excited for your new book!!! Smitten Kitchen and the first cookbook are a staple in our home and some recipes have become much beloved traditions. I wish I was in Toronto or Vancouver on the same dates as your tour so I could say so in person. Thank you so much and best of luck on tour!

  • bschoenbach

    My synagogue growing up always served these for oneg after Friday services…I would spend the entire time picking out the chocolate ones before the adults could get to them. Thank you for providing a blueprint to try to recreate them at home!

  • Rhea

    My sister and I were at your book reading on 11/10 at Book Are Magic. She flew all the way in from Kansas City to be there (and then we realized later that you are going to Kansas City)!

    Over that weekend we cooked:
    -Bake sale Bars. Wonderful!
    -Cheesy pasta with Brussel sprouts, but subbed roaster cauliflower. Wonderful!
    -Kale caesar salad. Wonderful!

    Thanks for making our lives better.

  • emilyadi

    I was at your book signing in Seattle last night and wanted to say thank you again! I raced home and made your bran jam-filled scones and my work has devoured them. I should have doubled it–my boyfriend is bummed he only got one.

  • cristinajames

    I made these delicious, beautiful cookies, and I didn’t have a problem piping them due to two reasons. One, I think it’s really important to note that the butter needs to be softened – not just room temperature. It should be easily dented and very spreadable. It helps if your kitchen is warm to begin with, too. The dough also softens a bit with your warm hands while it’s in the piping bag Two, the size of the tip you’re using should be large enough. It will be difficult to pipe if the tip is too small. These cookies are worth the effort!

  • Epic fail. I love this site and have had luck with other recipes. As everyone else has confirmed, the dough will not come out of the pastry bag (I used a real cloth one), I tried warming the dough, ended up cutting them, then tried to assemble. If you’re just going to eat them over the sink, alone, and don’t care what they look like, then yes, they taste fine. But otherwise, take my advice and don’t.

  • Those cookies are super good and tatsy on their own, I didn’t even add the chocolate and jam. The dough was really REALLY hard to pipe so I went for the “slice & bake” method as suggested in other comment. What is even harder to do is to stop eating them ! :D

  • Maria

    Am so happy right now. I finally got the book in the post and am sitting with a mug of coffee for a guilt free few hours of cooking /baking /eating by proxy!!
    Lovely, lovely book!! Thank you!!

  • How is this KETO???? It has flour AND sugar! Not to mention sprinkles – more sugar. Shame on you POPSUGAR – do your research!

  • Gaile

    what homemade cookie ever has lasted for a week in your house? LOL. 3 days max and that’s if company doesn’t come over..these look so festive and yummy.

  • reneer52

    Great to meet you in Berkeley today and have you sign my copy of this beautiful cookbook. Thanks for the cooking inspiration and look forward to trying these recipes :-)

  • Vickie

    I made the pork tenderloin agrodolce with squash rings tonight for dinner. It came out absolutely perfect! I’m always looking for good sauces for pork tenderloin and this one is the best I’ve ever made. As of tonight this is my go to recipe for pork tenderloin! And it’s so easy!

  • Lil’ Cookie

    Congratulations on the new book! The cookies look so good ♥

  • Emma

    Mine didn’t look nearly this pretty (some would say they were downright ugly), but they taste amazing and were just as you said they would be! I used super soft butter and room temperature eggs and didn’t have a problem piping the dough. Will be further neglecting my life’s responsibilities to make another batch and every other recipe from the new book. Thanksgiving week makes it okay to cook copious amounts of food with relatively minimal guilt, yes?

  • Karen Brown

    My copy of your new book finally made it to New Zealand! First recipe made; the artichoke galette. So good, can’t believe I’ve only ever used jarred artichokes for pizza before. The red lentil soup is next on my agenda.
    Beautiful book, you should be so proud of yourself. Cheers from down-under, Karen

  • Melissa Maeser

    I made these over the weekend. My husband had to pipe the dough out bc it was so thick. I love the flavor of these cookies however they are very time consuming.

      1. Charlotte in Toronto

        I just read this article. Thanks for drawing my attention to it. Deb is everything I want to be in my kitchen. I saw her at Chapters in Toronto, and once last fall while she was here for a bloggers expo. She’s so sweet.

  • urbancupcake

    I’ve had this bookmarked since forever (whatever day it first posted), and finally made them today. I saw that a lot of people had trouble piping, so I was careful to use VERY soft butter – I left it on the counter for hours while I went about my day. That seems to have done the trick, because when it came time for piping, it all came out very smoothly – no major difficulties. (I should note here that I’m baking down here in humid Florida, so maybe that is a factor as well?) Didn’t pipe the jam – just smeared it on in a thin layer with a knife. Not sure what piping would have added to the jam assembly – seems like an unnecessary step? Lastly, I was worried by what others have said about the jam making the cookies slightly soggy (again, I’m in Florida – things get soggy quickly here!), so I only assembled half the cookies and stored the rest unassembled (and dry) until we are ready for them. Overall, a fun way to mix up the Thanksgiving dessert lineup!

  • Amy G

    I love the book, I received it when I saw you speak at the JCC in SF, as I told you when you signed my book, the first thing that I planned to make was the cabbage risotto–it was great, I cooked the cabbage and onions in a skillet and simultaneously made the risotto in my instant pot (6 min. on high pressure, with immediate pressure release). It was great, I served it as a side dish with chicken on Sunday, but today I am eating the left over risotto with some pieces of chicken apple sausage mixed in (left over from last night’s dinner), it is a great combination for a somewhat heartier dish! I have bookmarked lots of other recipes to make in the coming weeks, thank you.

  • Samantha

    I am looking into cookies to mail back home, like we do every year, and these look so good! Do you have any idea how well they ship?

  • Ellen


    Congratulations on the new book, and I’m loving hearing and reading about you on various media as you make the rounds of your book tour, but…sob…though hast forsaken the blog and its readers! It’s been over a month without a new post and that included Thanksgiving!!! (Wishing that I could put that last line in bold italics.) All will be forgiven…please come back soon.


  • jay


  • Martha C

    Hi Deb,
    I know you are busy with your book tour and I was sorry to miss meeting you in Toronto last month. Hope you get back to posting on your blog soon. I miss your posts as I am sure thousands (millions?) of others do too!

  • Lauren

    A month ( plus!) without a new recipe. For those of us ( there must be a few) left without the new cookbook, it has seemed an eternity. Granted we have a good supply of goodies in the “files” that many of us have not tested yet, but it isn’t the same as your warm, newsy, funny, and delicious posts. Besides which, a month is an awfully long time to go without seeing Jacob and Anna (the latter of whom we may not even recognize)…they change so fast at that age! Hurry up wouldja?

    1. Helen

      Srsly? this seems a little on the nose. A. She.Just.Wrote.A.Book B. She has two small kids C. She is touring D. This is free content

      I really don’t know how she is managing it quite frankly.

      1. sarah

        DO you know what “on the nose” means?

        1. Helen

          Lacking nuance. Too obvious. Lacking sub text – as in not delicately put.

  • Not Lauren, Not Sarah but Hi!

    In the words of Veronica Cornerstone, “Yeah. That, uh, expression doesn’t really apply to what I’m talking about”


  • Charlotte in Toronto

    Deb is busy. Please cut her some slack. In the new year we will have her back again.

  • Barbara Delano

    I attended the book signing in Atlanta last night (LOVE the book) and came away wishing I could share my love of Deb’s recipes with scores (hundreds?) of others in attendance. Would any Atlanta peeps be interested? Are others in local groups that meet to share dishes made from Deb’s recipes? I imagine sharing coffee and these cookies, for starters. :-)

  • Steve M.

    If I had two wishes that I could wish for this holiday season, the first would be for all the children of the world to join hands and sing in the spirit of harmony and peace… and a new post from the busy, amazing Deb because omg we miss you so much.

  • Rachel

    I just made these tonight and also found them too hard to pipe out. Any tips? Anything we could add to the dough to soften it? So far it has split one of my piping bags, and won’t come out my leuke piping thing.

    1. Charlotte in Toronto

      The first time I made these I used the cup measure. Delicious, but way to stiff to pipe. I read another commenter’s suggestion to use the weight measure. I weighed 4 cups of my all purpose flour and was shocked that it weighed in at 590g! So last night I made the recipe using the weight measure for the sugar and the flour. OMG what a difference! So easy to pipe. I never would have believed it if I hadn’t tried it myself.

    2. Charlotte in Toronto

      Whoops..I forgot to mention thst I doubled the recipe. So 2 cups would have weighed 295g, so it was quite a difference.

  • Definitely couldn’t pipe this, even with a large star tip and a sturdy piping bag with warmed up dough. Yowza! Once I got the shape and size I only got about 28 cookies total.

  • Suzzanne

    My husband just received his online edition of The Weekly Standard. He printed the great review of your book written by Emily MacLean. Wow, she includes you with Julia Child and Marcella Hazen and Lidia Bastianich. What good company you are in! Many times your recipes have made me feel triumphant in my kitchen. Thanks so much!

  • woodthrushwoodsadmin

    I just realized as an adult I don’t believe I have ever made myself a recipe that included sprinkles (cupcakes included). I’m pretty sure my 8 year old self if having a fit over this. These cookies should be the perfect oversight correction

  • Elizabeth

    Wish I’d read the comments first – my dough burst through two piping bags and I got so angry I threw the mixture away before baking. Good to know it wasn’t just me.

  • Linda

    For once, when I shrieked and my husband came running, it wasn’t to dispose of a large bug, but instead it was when I saw that there was an AUTOGRAPHED copy at the bookstore! I’ve been cooking out of your first book, and can’t wait to hit up the cakes in this one…and the crispy shallot thing…and the pea tortelini. Wish it was spring!

  • Made this exactly to the recipe and used a spritz cookie press to make the two inch lines which was super easy (and no piping bags). Also dipped in white chocolate with white crystal sprinkles to look like snow to add a holiday touch. Great meeting you in Seattle Deb, you are just like you seemed you would be from your books and posts :)

  • Ms D

    Getting Grumpy seeing these cookies still the newest posting? Love the new cookbook – but couldn’t you have banked a couple new posts for the very long time you are on tour? You are our weekly salvation for dinner. We don’t love by cookies alone! (Miss you)

    1. ray

      me too!! Was hoping for some new, fun deb gems here – especially since we’re rolling through holidays! hope the book tour is great though.

  • Alison

    Oh my god, the street chicken is so amazing! I made it for dinner last night, we had the leftovers for lunch today, and we loved it so much my husband made it again for dinner tonight! If this is the only recipe we make from the new cookbook, it’s worth it (though I’m sure we’ll enjoy many more!) It was so great seeing you at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park/Seattle when you were here– a perfect birthday gift. :)

  • marion

    The banana bread roll is one of the best cake I ever had! And I think the two teaspoon bourbon are mandatory!

  • Jane

    so, sitting, at my desk, at work- trying to figure out which Wilton tip is the 5/8 ” closed star tip – after much frustration, pop over here – and how precipitous the current post!
    (and a different size tip than the book, so it just needs to be close?)
    I just placed my order, need to have 6 dozen identical cookies by Sunday at 4 pm. Now to find the time to make them.
    I will read the rest of the comments before I start.

  • Love these, I remember going to the Peter Pan Bakery after school in Forest Hills, NY and buying just a quarter pound to eat BY MYSELF….thanks for posting, I made them and they are delicate and delish…..I didn’t really have the right pastry tip but do you think I could use a cookie press instead?


  • Julie

    With such a long planned absence it would be nice to have just one line somewhere telling readers when the blog will resume. I’m not checking very often any more but when I do I’m kind of annoyed to see the that nothing has changed. I realize the book tour is happening and from what I read it is wildly successful. But you are probably losing blog readers with no clue when the blog will resume. You’ve lost me.

    1. Yikes Julie


      1. You Win the Internet


    2. Anna

      Must be annoying considering all the money you are paying for this content….oh, wait..

      1. RO

        thumbs up emoji

  • Elizabeth Noble Moore

    I just received what I’m sure will be my new favorite cookbook! I’m an avid fan of yours – who also happens to be Celiac. You should know that a potentially dangerous error is misprinted on page 315, where “Spring Fried Barley with a Sesame Sizzled Egg” is listed as a gluten-free recipe. Barley is one of the three “never-evers” in the gluten-having wheat, rye, barley (and sometimes oats) trilogy. I know this, and other Gluten-Intolerant people know this, but a less-informed person may inadvertently serve themselves a big helping of straight gluten based on the list in the book. Job’s Tears/Chinese Pearl Barley could be a slick GF swap, but this isn’t specified. Again, I adore your work and am so thankful for your blog and books, and just want fellow Smitten-Kitchen-lovers to be safe out there!

  • jmayman

    These cookies have cured my playdate anxiety. Let me explain. Our oldest child is 7, and loves having friends over after school. I fret a great deal about planning fun activities, keeping 2 7 year olds, plus my 4 and 2 year olds engaged….so today our activity was making these. And it was awesome. All 4 kids played a role from beginning to end, and the finished product is so delicious. They even packed a few to give to their teacher tomorrow. Thank you for such a delicious, fun to make recipe!

  • Emily

    are you ever going to post on your blog again?

  • Omg, congratulations on the book!! I can’t wait to get my hands on one. Thanks!

  • Laurie Srebnick

    Hi Deb, Just wanted to say how much I love your blog. My cousin told me about your rugelach and I’m smitten! So I am a professional baker & cook in the catering world. Many years ago I worked for Sarabeths Kitchen and You are Professional and You’ve written a book! Most of your tricks like cutting the end of the dough off a pastrybag with a knife or scissor are exactly what most “professionals” do! You might be referring to commercial baking & cooking and almost no one I know is that professional! So own it! You’re amazing! Thank you for all the wonderful recipes so people at home can make beautiful delicious things to eat!

  • Lauren

    Hi Deb,
    I’m a long time follower and devoted fan to you and your blog for many years. I’ve tried numerous recipes and have never been disappointed (looking forward to getting your new cookbook soon- congrats on all you’ve accomplished!!!) I just finished making your bakery style butter cookies and they are simply phenomenal— and a thousand times better than my expectations, which were pretty high as I am an avid cookie lover. I’ve been looking for a recipes for these cookies for years and these are hands down the best cookie I’ve had in a very long time. I urge anyone who needs a stellar Christmas cookie to make these! They are beautiful and flavorful and just a delight to eat. I took your suggestion and added 1/4 tsp of almond extract to the dough and they’re lovely, will try the lemon on the next batch! Anyone who had a little difficulty with the dough being tough to pipe out of a pastry bag, I found that keeping the dough filled bag in my hand warmed up the dough making it much easier to pipe. I was also wondering if an actually pastry bag (like the ones a baker might use) would do the job better than say a plastic one? Either way these are for sure a keeper and I’m so glad I made them before the holidays- I will be making these by the houndreds for Christmas! You rock Deb!

  • Nittida

    Hi deb, this might be a silly question but I do live in a very hot climate place and normally untempered chocolate/butter would melt if we put it outside the fridge. I really want to make this cookies as a christmas gift but afraid it would not stay well outside the fridge. Do you think this cookies will stay well outside the fridge or what type of chocolate would you recommend for this? I nornally use chopped chocolate (cacao barry) for baking. Do you think i need to temper it? Or should I just use compound chocolate (and compromise the taste). Many many thanks!

  • Molly Dominick

    Hi Deb—these are one of my favorite kind of cookies so I was excited to make them. As a professional baker, I was pretty discouraged that I couldn’t get the dough to the right consistency. It was SO stiff and thick I couldn’t get it to extrude from the pastry bag. I was squeezing with all my might but it was just too stiff. And made a huge frustrating mess. So I tried adding another egg yolk. No luck. So I added a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream. A teensy bit better, but still ridiculously stiff. Any suggestions? The butter was softened. I don’t know what else to do!

  • Christine

    I just made the bakery style butter cookies and oh my goodness!! This is our new favorite cookie. They are easy to make and buttery melt in your mouth delicious. I absolutely LOVE them! Thank you!

  • Kristina

    Hello? Hello? Is anyone home? Missing you!

  • Matt

    R.I.P., say hello to the Amateur Gourmet in Blog heaven!

    1. Be Nice Matt! She Busy!

      See above.

    2. Also!

      AG is back baby.

      1. Matt

        OMG, he is! Thanks for letting me know!

  • Shannon

    Has anyone had any luck making the dough ahead and freezing it?


    1. Beth

      Yes, worked beautifully.

  • L

    These are delicious! I had no luck piping them though and ended up scooping, rolling and flattening them. The taste is wonderful! Thanks for the recipe and love both of your books.


    I’m kicking myself that I missed you in Vancouver (especially since I only live a few blocks away from the bookstore. I went to the shop yesterday to buy your book and it was sold out, (Yay for you; boo for me), so I had to order it online. Thanks you so much for sharing you cooking adventures, family, humour and recipes over the years. Happy holidays!

  • Hi, so I’ve just received my UK edition of the book and was super excited to dig in! I’m sure it will be an absolute favourite like the first one! I was surprised, however, to find that the temperature measurements have remained in Fahrenheit for the UK version (the first book had them in Celsius). What was the reasoning behind this decision? I’m a little sad that I’ll have to defile the book by noting down the Celsius temperatures everywhere where the oven is used…

  • Love Love Love your ideas! I am in the kitchen now and about to have some fun with my little ones! Thank you!

  • Suzanne Guertin

    This is the best recipe for shortbread/butter cookie dough that I’ve ever used! It’s easy and I’ve had success each time!

    1. Suzanne Guertin

      Edit to my comment above: I put the dough into a ziploc bag and smooshed it around with my hands to warm it up so it blends more. Then into the fridge overnight and I go from there.

  • Kimberly

    BEST COOKIES EVER! I’ve made this recipe 3 times in the past 2 days because my entire family absolutely loves them! I’ve also used this batter to make thumbprint cookies and they are delicious! I would give these cookies 6 stars if I could!

  • Joanne

    I just made these. Used pretty soft Plugra butter since they were butter cookies and the dough was firm but not impossible to pipe. I used 1/4 tsp. of Fiori Di Sicilia from King Arthur in addition to the vanilla which gives the cookies a nice floral/citrus flavor and got 42 sandwiches plus a few imperfect ones I ate. They are amazing!

  • Thank you so much for this recipe! I really really love butter cookies and never thought I’ll ever be able to find such a simple recipe for it

  • lizskidmore

    Not only are you an amazing cook, but you are also an extremely crafty, clever and creative writer (how’s that for alliteration?). I received the book as an early (requested) Christmas gift from my mom. Major practice in self control to wait! Thank you for sharing your talents with the world; we are all better in nourishment and wit as a result. Merry Christmas, Liz

  • Geekgirl

    These were so easy and taste delicious! The first time I made them was an epic fail. I was surprised at how easy the dough was to pipe into the cookie shapes. However, my family was watching Netflix while I was making these and I was clearly distracted because when I peeked at the cookies in the oven after 9 minutes, I saw a puddle on the cookie sheet :-( I think I under-measured the flour by about 100 grams.

    The second time, I made them while I was by myself with no other distractions and while the dough was stiffer, the cookies came out beautifully. I’ve had several compliments from people on how good they taste. Next time might try adding a little bit of lemon extract.

    Thank you for a great recipe, and welcome back! I enjoyed meeting you at Powell’s Books in Portland.

  • Instead of scissors, I used a metal bench scraper to “chop” the edges as I piped these on a cookie sheet and it worked great!
    I also subbed the flour for a GF homemade mix and I think they expanded a tiny but more, but still held their shape and pipping.
    Thanks so much for another great recipe!

  • Linda P

    PHENOMENAL cookies. I have been a fan of this kind of cookie forever, so I had to try these. A bit of a project, but absolutely gorgeous and delicious. I didn’t have the right pastry tip, so used a plain steel tube tip. It requires pretty good upper body strength to get the dough out, but the effort was so worth it. Just be careful to watch them in the oven – they burn easily. You want a golden edge, nothing more. I also added a bit of cream to the chocolate to make dipping easier.

  • Kavya

    I have already sent this book to my daughter-in-law in the US because she loved your first one so much (which I also sent her) and she is a very good and keen cook.

    As you say, do write, there is one request I have: old-fashioned cookery books used to tell us that the dough was right when of a ‘a dropping consistency’ or variations, of course. I found that very helpful, because exactness about quantities isn’t quite my thing, and flour can be drier or less dry according to weather, (I live in damp chill-your-bones England). It would be great to find you regularly do this!
    And thank you for such cheering instructions and pictures.

  • Pascale

    Hi Deb – these were amazingly easy to make, and your process is amazingly simple! BUT – the texture of the cookies was a little bit cakey and dense. I used a food processor to make the dough. I was expecting them to be a tiny bit more crumbly… any suggestions or ideas on what went wrong? (That said, they were a hit!)

    1. Jorgia

      Pascale – to make shortbread more crumbly, replace a couple of tablespoons of flour with rice flour or nut meal. You could also hard-boil one ir both of the egg yolks before mixing them in the dough

    2. deb

      I’m not positive — they should be a bit more tender, and less crunchy, than they’d be in a bakery (by choice) but not dense at all. Are you at an altitude at all?

  • Christina

    Help! I’ve attempted this recipe three times and each time, the dough is simply too stiff to pipe. Butter and eggs are at room temp and I weigh the flour.
    I’m not a wimp, but even my weight-lifting, football playing high school son couldn’t mange the dough.
    Any suggestions anyone? Does it absolutely require a food processor, rather than a mixer?
    If I ever get it right, it’s important to note that this dough requires a sturdy piping bag- a disposable won’t work.

  • Vincenza Rico

    The first time I made these like many others I could not get the dough out of the bag. I ended up rolling them into little gnocchi-like shapes by hand. I decided to try again and I got it to work, just as easy as in video! The solution for me was the piping tip. The first time I used a Wilton 1M tip I already had that I thought was the same size but is actually too small. I ordered the Ateco 866 and saw how much bigger it was and it made all the difference. Both times I had the butter sitting out for at least a full day and I used eggs straight from the fridge. I also used parchment paper with a grid and got about 36 sandwiches.

  • Rachel

    Growing up in Brooklyn, NY, these Italian-American Bakery cookies graced the table of just about every family celebration. As my favorite cookie, I was disappointed to learn that they were a NE regional delicacy and could not be found in my home of the last 15 years, Portland, OR.

    Gathered all the supplies and finally tried making them on Christmas Eve. Based on previous comments, I used my digital food scale to measure the ingredients. I would say this is a MUST for making this recipe, based on the drastic difference I saw between weighed and measured sugar and flour. I also used Deb’s suggestion of adding almond extract and a little lemon zest. I did not have a problem in pushing the dough through the pastry bag. I used the same pastry bag tip that Deb recommended.
    Once the cookies were baked, I filled them with Raspberry, and then apricot, preserves.

    The only issue I had with making these was the chocolate. I could not get my toll house chocolate chips to melt properly. I tried adding some butter, but it was still difficult. I broke a few cookies when I tried dipping them in the chocolate, so I ended up using my finger to delicately spread chocolate that I heated in the microwave every few minutes. It was a tedious process. Before I make these again, which I certainly will, I will get some better melting chocolate.

    Thank you Deb, for making this Brooklyn girl’s dream come true.

    1. deb

      I used Toll House in a more recent batch and agree they don’t melt the same, stay quite thick. I just kept it warm and eventually they were all dipped — with a thicker coat! You could also add a pat or two of butter or coconut oil to thin it.

  • Hilary

    These came out perfectly! Followed the directions exactly (included almond extract) and they were super easy and delicious. I doubled after reading others’ comments that it only made 18 sandwiches but the original recipe was accurate since I wound up with around 60 complete cookies (which is fine this time of year!). Also the dough wasn’t super thick as others said but I always leave my butter out for hours and hours before baking so maybe that could be the trick. Thank you for a great recipe for my favorite cookie!

  • Zareena

    This flavor and this image are exactly what I was longing for today and no bakery in this little town makes these. The flavor and the image are exactly what i was hoping for- thank you so much for this recipe! I could not get this through the star shaped tip even with very soft butter, warm eggs and a bag massage (SO much dirtier sounding than it really was). I piped them out of a plastic bag, connected them with jam and moved on. The pretty shape was unnecessary in relieving my homesickness.

  • Thank you for sharing that lovely food recipe. I always love to eat these sweet. This is one of my favorite dish. If you search for pizza places in Albuquerque than visit my website.

  • OccasionalBaker

    Like many of the other comments, there was no chance of piping this. It was too think. The cookies itself came out dense and almost sugar cookie like rather than the soft crumble Italian bakery cookie. It tasted good. It was easy to make. Not sure what I could add/take away to make these taste more like the bakery kind in the store? Perfectly sweetened!

  • CeeGee

    Long-time follower/first-time poster here. I too had difficulty piping the dough, but the resulting cookies were worth it; so much so that I made a second double batch that were so much easier to pipe. The key for me was to sift the flour, then measure. I wound up using 3/4 cup less flour than my first batch, which I did not sift. They turned out beautifully!

  • Andrea

    Love, Love your new book. Quick inquiry regarding ‘a dense, grainy, daily bread: I am one of those people who keeps a “sour dough starter that dates back . . .Would your bread come out well if I use my starter? Would it be best to use unfed starter and let it sit for the 24-48 hours since that would essentially be “feeding” it?

  • M. Berk

    How is everyone mixing the dough, with a stand mixer or with a food processor? The video on this page shows the use of a food processor but the photos show a stand mixer. My fiance and I tried with a stand mixer and couldn’t pipe it. Trying with a food processor next to see if it will be any easier to pipe. I think food processor is better as it will heat up the dough a bit.

  • Shannon

    These were going to be a favorite of mine but wow, too difficult to get through the bag. I am so disappointed.
    Seems quite a few people are having the same problem. Seems other than have the batter melt in the bag there is no way to get the batter out of the bag.

    Help Deb, what do you suggest?

  • Gerry

    On the bakery style butter cookies. Can U use salted butter and eliminate
    the sea salt ?😊

    1. deb

      Yes, absolutely.

  • Lauren

    My experience was similar to that of other reviewers who had trouble with this dough. I’m used to piping stiff cookie dough, such as Dorie Greenspan’s Viennese sablés, and this dough wouldn’t budge. I wound up scraping it out of the pastry bag and putting it into in my cookie press with the pastry attachment, which is the same diameter as the pastry tip specified in the recipe. I used the gridlines on my parchment to make sure the cookies were 2″ long but got only 36 cookies. The good news is that the results are delicious. A very tender, buttery cookie.

  • JILL Q.

    Well, they didn’t look as pretty as the ones in the photo (the dough didn’t hold the pretty stripes) and it didn’t make a lot, but I did it and didn’t have any problems with the dough. I left the butter out for a night and day and weighed the flour. Maybe some of the luck is just having a warm kitchen.
    Hubby and kid did mind the lack of aesthetic appeal 😂, but I don’t know if I’d risk making them to give to someone.

  • Kathryn

    These were sadly a fail for me – not the right consistency for piping (too stiff). I ended up rolling them out and cutting them but something went terribly wrong. Did anyone else have this problem?

    1. Rose Cutler

      Yes to stiff so I’m using my cookie press tip. It’s not the first time in the cookie rodeo for me I’ve been baking for year’s. I’m wondering if the number tip she recommended would work because I tried using number 826.

  • Tracy

    These are so delicious just like your rainbow cookies! NYC is in the midst of a snow storm which is a perfect day for baking these cookies. Since I didn’t have a star tip I used a plastic bag and clipped the hole too big. But hey instead of eating two cookies, it’s a jumbo cookie that tastes just like an Italian bakery cookie. Thanks for all your great easy recipes.

  • Myrna

    Hi Deb! Thank you for this and for so many other recipes. You are great! I made these last week for a bake sale at my daughter’s school and they were great! I didn’t sandwich them with jam for the bake sale (although I did do it to some that I kept for us and these were the best ;-)
    I used a cookie press for mine after reading some of the comments. I didn’t have much trouble using this method (I’m new to this) so if you’re out there and want to try this recipe and got second thoughts because of some of the comments: use a cookie press!

  • Mary – Ann

    I just made these cookies. I didn’t have any trouble piping them I used a silicone bag and the large star tip. But they did spread and lost most of the design that was on the cookie. But I think I have figured it out. In order to pipe the dough it has to be a little on the soft side. But I think if the tray is put in the refrigerator to set the cookies before baking they will hold the shape better because they won’t spread as much. Next time I will try doing that. I tripled the recipe and followed it as written except I added one extra egg yolk for a total of seven because my egg yolks seemed small for a large egg. Also I made sure the butter and sugar was creamed very well and incorporated the eggs two at a time until well combined. I hope this helps.

  • Ali

    Living in the desert, I did have to add a small amount of milk, simply because everything is dryer out here! These were delightful! I didn’t make them into sandwiches, I just dipped each cookie into the chocolate. I will definitely be making them again. I will say there is a learning curve to actually piping the shape of the cookies with even pressure, some of them looked like peanuts and zucchini. Thank you so much for sharing another AWESOME recipe! 💗💗💗

  • Jen

    I was looking for a delicious butter cookie recipe and this recipe delivered! I didn’t bother piping; I just dropped from a spoon, flattened each cookie a little, and topped with sprinkles.
    As Deb says, the recipe IS perfect! Tender, buttery bites of deliciousness :)

  • Catherine Flannery

    How can I double the recipe

    1. deb

      This recipe doubles fine. Just double all the ingredients.

  • Whoops! I wanted to make these this evening, but was surprised to find myself out of regular sugar and with a surplus of icing sugar, so I decided to do a swap gram for gram after a few quick google searches. I’ve definitey made butter cookies with icing sugar before. Anyway, I was really happy with the consistency for piping unless so many other reviewers, but obviously they were simply too soft as they spread hugely and lost all definition. They’re amazingly melt in your mouth, but not nearly as pretty as yours. Is this down to the icing sugar? I did measure the flour correctly. Would freezing the dough to firm it up a bit have helped? Or should I just never have tinkered with anything and just waited until I got some sugar in?

  • Determined baker

    I just made these but could not pipe them. I have an Ateco 867 tip and let the batter warm up and still could not pipe them. I enlisted my husband who could get barely a quarter inch of batter to extrude.
    My pastry bag broke, so since the tip was sitting there with batter in it, I picked it up and using my thumb, extruded the dough onto my baking sheet. I know this is an unconventional method, but I was able to “pipe” out 40 cookies, which will give me 20 sandwiches.
    If anyone has a better solution, please post! Thanks!

  • Ashley

    We just love these cookies! I have made them three times now. I nearly give myself carpal tunnel squeezing the dough out of a pastry bag, but the finished product is worth it! I have made them for a tea party (so fancy!), and just finished a batch dipped in Christmas sprinkles to use for teacher gifts. They are beautiful and tasty!

    1. Ashley

      Oh…and due to personal preference…I fill these with chocolate instead of jam :) Can’t have too much chocolate!

  • Rose

    These are so good! Wow- Just tried these after filling them with jam and dipping them in chocolate and sprinkles and they blew me away. Great job and awesome recipe!
    I made them gluten-free (using Bobs Red Mill All Purpose 1-to-1 baking flour) and they came out perfect!

  • Jessica

    I made these today. They are delicious butter cookies that definitely taste like they came from a bakery. I used Plugra butter and added 1/4 teaspoon of almond extract which really gave such a nice flavor to the cookie. I got about 24 sandwiches out of the recipe. I did not have any trouble piping the dough like other people did. I’m wondering if maybe others used too much flour. I used a food scale and measured the flour to exactly 260 grams. The dough piped out very easily. I live in a warm climate so I also wonder if temperature has anything to do with the piping issue. The only problem I had was that a few of the cookies broke & crumbled while I was filling them or joining the two sides of the cookie together. So be careful, they are on the delicate side. I’ll definitely make again!! Delicious!

  • Arie

    Can these go through a cookie press? I don’t have a pastry bag!! Thank you!

  • Cara

    Deb – I want to make these cookies. They look awesome. But I have never used a pastry bag for anything and need help. Can you do an IG stories or video where you walk novices like myself through the process? Seriously, I need some handholding (or maybe just a confidence boost) to take these on! Thanks, Cara

  • Cathy

    I adore your unfussy book. I got it for Christmas last year and have loved just about every recipe I’ve tried. (And I say “just about” because clearly, anything I haven’t loved has everything to do with the recipe and nothing to do with the cook, who neglected to read the recipe in advance..). And loving the book brought me to your site, which I also love. I just found the recipe for chocolate banana bread, and noticed that you made it three times.. in a week… And I thought ‘funny, that sounds just like me and the jam -bellied bran scones.’ Yum.

  • Tariqata

    I have been very slow to get to these, but finally had a chance! I did find the dough stiff, but it got easier to pipe as it warmed up, and I was even able to play around with shapes (including letters to celebrate my son’s first day of school). I’m not usually a fan of vanilla butter cookies, but the flavour of the cookies alone is pure and rich, and they have a perfect melt-in-your mouth texture. Add in the chocolate and jam (I used homemade strawberry and some fancy dark chocolate chips) and the cookies are impossible to stop eating.

  • Lonnie

    I need this cookbook in my life !!

  • Regina

    I made these today. The #8B Wilton tip worked very well. The ridges were maintained and the cookies looked so cute! The dough was a bit stiff, but I stuck with it and got them piped out. I decided to not sandwich them, so I dipped the end of a single cookie in the chocolate and then in the sprinkles. The cookie without the jam had little to no flavor which was disappointing. So next time, I will sandwich them with jam OR add almond extract and maybe some orange or lemon zest to the dough if I choose not to sandwich them, but rather keep them as singles. This recipe is definitely a keeper!

    1. Lindsay

      I used a cookie press and was able to pipe without issue.

  • Lee R

    Deb: Because this is such a busy baking time, and because of the popularity of cookie exchanges, can you do a collection VERY SOON of bars that are not brownies? I love your blog and your cookbooks. Many thanks

  • marilyn j champagne

    Deb, Merry Christmas, Buon Natale! Just made your Bakery Style cookies… Thanks always for your inspiration and guidance. From one little kitchen in Maine to your smitten kitchen. Namaste….

    Marilyn Champagne

  • I made these cookies and used King Arthur Flour’s Fiori di Sicilia flavoring instead of vanilla, and I filled them with good apricot jam and dipped in Ghirardelli 60% chips. They were good. They were mind blowing the next day, Like, perfect cookie territory.

    1. Michael Cleary

      I had to add 1/4 c milk (slightly warmed) to get this dough to be pipe-able. That said, having done just that they came out perfectly.

  • Krista B.

    These are really delicious cookies. The first time I used my cookie press, which was REALLY tough. The easiest setting was the one used for cheese straws…I doubled them up and they turned out great. I ended up rolling much of the dough into a ball and using cookie stamps – they turned out great! After tasting them and really how freaking delicious they are I made a second batch with a plastic bag with the top snipped off. I made some lines with a fork on top, and I’ve got to say they looked pretty good. Using a plastic bag was much easier. Lots of compliments on how tasty they were!

  • Rose Cutler

    What a nice recipe until I tried piping ugh! I was using number 826 tip and it’s not happening. Had to resort to my cookie press with a tip a and see how one batch comes out. It just wouldn’t budge out of that tip.

  • I’ve made these a couple times, but came and looked through the comments after making a batch that would not pipe. I think ambient kitchen temperature and humidity play a big role here– I’ve made them quite successfully in warm weather in a humid environment but I was trying to make them in the winter with very low humidity and they just would not pipe. I ended up rolling them and cutting them out instead.

  • KP

    These cookies are amazing, thank you so very much for making it possible for me to make these at home. I also had an issue piping them and wound up using no tip and making ridges with fork tines! They weren’t perfect looking but the taste more than made up for it!

  • irene LIEBER

    how do u make the bow ties or mandel bread

  • Kathy

    I just tried these — WONDERFUL! Been trying to emulate that bakery-style butter cookie for years. This did it.

  • Siena

    Yes! These were so good my little brother wanted these instead of birthday cake. :)

  • Evelyn Angwin

    Just wondering, isn’t 2 Cups of flour equivalent to 240grams? Wasn’t sure if I should use 240 or 260? Thanks!


    WOW! I’ve been baking for over 50 years and I could NOT pipe those cookies thru a squeeze pastry bag. The dough is way too STIFF! I was so disappointed. I had to just make balls out of the dough and bake them that way.
    What is the hint on how to pipe them?

    1. Maria

      I added 2 tsp of milk to my dough as I was stirring in the flour, since it looked a little too stiff. Whether you need milk might depend on the size of your egg yolks.

      Also, the dough gets easier to pipe as you proceed – the heat of your hands softens it a little.

  • Samantha

    What kind of tip are you using for the batter. Thank you and hope all is well!

  • Butter Cookies are my favorite. I will try them soon

  • Maria

    Thanks for posting this recipe! I grew up on L.I. but now live out west and I can’t find NY Italian bakery-style cookies anywhere.

    I just made these and they taste just like the ones I remember getting from NY corner bakeries as a kid in the 70s & 80s, before the “central suppliers” took over.

  • Such cute cookies! Delicious, perfect bite, tiny dessert with a glass of red wine. I’m not the best or most patient at piping , so I piped out long strips onto the parchment and snipped strips into to equal length cookies with scissors (left strips on parchment), scooted them apart with a butter knife. Followed recipe & baked as directed. Recipe yielded amount stated. Kept some plain singles, some cookies dipped flat bottomed into chocolate. Soft, room temp butter & fully mixing batter was key to having a batter that could be piped.

  • mary buzzurro

    how much flour, I see many different amounts?

    1. deb

      The flour is 2 cups or 260 grams all-purpose flour

  • Mike Hoffman

    How do you make cookies if you just want a cherry on top or sprinkles without chocolate?

    1. deb

      You can pipe them into a tight “o” or just a big, flat star and press the dried or candied cherry in before baking. You can cover these with sprinkles too but I should note a slightly more tender/thick sprinkle cookie is here.

  • Lau

    Hi Deb,
    Can these cookies be frozen?
    Thanks for the help.

    1. deb

      I think they will freeze pretty well. Maybe not as neatly as shortbread or something that can be packed tightly, and sometimes sprinkles can be smudgy when defrosted. But the cookies should be fine.

  • Andrea K

    I made them! Followed the recipe and measured using my scale and mixing the dough in my Cuisinart.

    They are awesome. They were so good I made a second batch two days later. I may just have to make them regularly until the pandemic is over. I knew I was kind of depressed when I stopped caring about food. These cookies have brought me back at least temporarily.

    Some thoughts:
    – For people having trouble piping, maybe your butter isn’t soft enough – or the tip on your bag is too small? I have a warm kitchen, so my butter is REALLY soft and I had no trouble piping the dough.
    – Because my kitchen is warm, after piping the cookies out, I chilled them in the fridge and freezer before baking to help them keep their shape. The shape was good but I had to bake them longer.
    – I had trouble getting the chocolate melted for dipping, and when I did, it was rather thick. Frankly, the cookie is so good, I found the chocolate and sprinkles a bit much and a distraction from the perfection of the cookie with jam. But the chocolate and sprinkles are VERY pretty.

  • Janis

    I am a very experienced baker and I followed the directions to the letter but these cookies were impossible to pipe. The dough was so thick it wouldn’t go through even the largest tip I own which is huge. I wound up putting it in a cookie press and with some difficulty managed to squeeze them out but there was no way it was coming out through a pastry bag. Do you know what could have gone wrong? The flavor of the cookie is delicious and I will try and find other ways to use the dough even though it could not be piped. Help!

    1. The dough can be difficult to pipe. I let it soften up some @ room temp and using a pastry bag & tip with 1/4” opening, piped long strips directly onto the baking parchment. Cut the strips into the desired length & nudged them apart with a butter knife. Put them in the fridge for about 15 minutes to firm up & retain shape, then baked as directed. I followed recipe as written. I think next time I would cut the flour by a couple of tablespoons to get a slightly softer dough. They are delicious.

  • MAF

    These are my family’s favorite cookies. I have been so disappointed in the ones from the bakeries, even the Italian ones, that are clearly not made with butter and are tasteless. These are buttery and delicious.
    Like many others, I have broken numerous pastry bags attempting to pipe them out. Unconventional, but the only way I can “pipe” them is to put dough directly into an Ateco 867 tip and extrude the dough using my thumb. I tried my Atlas cookie press by Marcato which I have had for over 30 years and even that could not handle the dough. I have tried warming the dough but have never been able to pipe it out. I still make them every year because they are absolutely delicious.

  • Deonne Knill

    I really struggled with these. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I followed the directions exactly, including measuring ingredients in grams. The dough is almost impossible to get out of a piping bag. I tried different piping tips and eventually resorted to no tip, just a bigger opening in a piping bag. It took two people – me squeezing as hard as I could to get the dough out and my son to snip the dough with scissors. Thoughts or suggestions? They really taste great (I made jam today as well). But the piping process was so frustrating, I’m not sure I would make them again.

  • Jane Burke

    Hi Deb, I’m struggling to get these piped out of the pastry bag. The dough is SO stiff. Any tips on how to soften it? My house is cold so that could be partly to blame.

    1. Annette Cleveland

      This one is tastier as a flat cookie w/jam in the center to me. Maybe I used too much flour, but they didn’t flatten so the sandwich was really big! Also not enough jam which is a shame because it goes so well with the butter cookie! After dipping in semi sweet chocolate and rolling in sprinkles ..just too much going on.

  • Kathy

    I just made these. Delicious! I measured the flour using scoop into the cup then level but the dough was hard to pipe. I added an extra egg yolk and Voila’ it worked.

  • Lisa McAleer

    After baking more than 48 yrs( married life), I thought I would give these a try. Well, I am sticking to my old tried, but true! I this dough did not squeeze thru the pastry bag! Then I resorted to putting it in my cookie press onto the cut parchment that I put out as per your recipe- again a mess! Scraped it off onto bare sheet( like a spritz). 1/2 “ spritzers” came out. Rolled the rest into small balls into logs. Baked12 mins. The rolled spread and flattened and looked like MILANO cookies. I dipped everything in chocolate half way and put sprinkles. This made them festive and a nice flavor( added 1/4 tsp almond), but won’t make again. My piping skills aren’t bad, but too hard to pipe and too soft for spritz.

  • SK

    Cookies are baking now, but I must say the dough doesn’t pipe well at all. I tried various sized tips and to no avail the dough would not pipe. So, I made lemonade with my lemons and scooped the dough and rolled it and then flattened it with a glass. I should have read the reviews before starting the dough, but it is what it is. They will still get jam and dipped in chocolate with all the sprinkles one could want on a cookie, but they will have a different shape.

  • Em

    These turned out perfectly and are oh so delicious! I had a hard time with piping at first (like lots of the comments say) and my first batch was…interesting. I was determined to get that piped look and gave it a second shot, and I am glad that I did! This time around I made sure to hold the piping bag for a few minutes just to warm up the dough before piping and they turned out perfect. Definitely a recipe that you just have to be patient with. They look wonderful and taste amazing!

  • Marieke

    These cookies remind me a lot of the Dutch cookies called “sprits”, they are also piped butter cookies. I’ve made those before so I was prepared. Reading the other comments I started out with melting my butter in the microwave on the defrost mode. I used the butter when it was half melted, half softened. I beat the mixture for quite a long time after I added the eggs, until it was pale. I had no problem piping this way! They turned out delicious and they look so impressive! A+ recipe.

    1. Marieke

      Addition: I started by adding 2/3’s of the flour, in case the dough seemed too dry. I ended up adding all of the flour. I think making sure the butter is soft/melty is the trick to making it work.

  • Nisha

    These were perfect, so delicious. I used 4 ounces of chocolate and made my cookies slightly larger than the recipe calls for. That ratio was right for me.

  • Cindy Reynaud

    I made these cookies today so I thought I’d add my experience. I have a scale and weighed 260 grams of flour. Needless to say, the dough didn’t go through my piping bag. Then I read the comments. So I googled stiff dough. Someone suggested adding a tablespoon of milk. I only had 1/2 & 1/2. I put the dough back in the mixer and added 2 tablespoons. Worked perfectly. I also only put about 1/4 of the dough in the piping bag at a time. I’m not sure if that made a difference but it worked. Next time less flour or I’ll just add the extra milk. Otherwise made the recipe as written. They are delicious!!! Thanks.

  • Jan

    What a challenging dough. Wish I read the comments/reviews before taking out the ingredients. Dough was very hard to pipe. I eventually found an alternative recipe online and it worked like a charm.

  • Ricardo

    I made this and it was the worst piping experience for any confection that I’ve made, as an experienced baker. This dough is just too dense for piping. I tried thinning with milk and it still ripped the silicon pastry bag.

    1. Janis

      When I made this recipe the first time I had the same experience as many of you. Pastry bags bursting and the dough being too dense. I’ve made it twice since my first attempt and the key really is letting the butter get warmer than you think it needs to be. It still takes a bit of strength to get it out of the pastry bag but at least it works. I couldn’t make ribbons so high used a large star tip and made a flower shape instead. Try again snd leave the butter out fir a feed hours.

  • harriet fanzo

    makng these cookies now, why is it so hard to squeeze the drop out of the piing bag (i have a 1/2 inch tip?

  • Sol

    Can these be made using a cookie press?

  • Howard S. Weiss

    I have to tell you that I have gotten these type of cookies in the restaurant and thought so much about making them but was unable to find a good recipe for it until now. WOW these are so close. Those are almost $8 a pound and you get hardly anything. Now I can make my own any time and a lot cheaper. The only thing I did was add 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of Almond extract and removed the salt. Thank you so much for this recipe.

  • Jillian Barral

    Add a 1/2 cup of melted butter and 1/2 tsp almond extract to this exact recipe at the end after recipe is made and they will be able to be pressed through a bakery bag with star tip and will taste like Italian cookies from the bakery.

    Utilizing the recipe as written, it is impossible to press these through a pastry bag with star tip.

    1. Jillian Barral

      Wait – 1/4 cup melted butter!!! Not a 1/2 cup!

    2. deb

      Do they hold their shape with this adjustment?

      1. Jillian Barral

        Yes Deb, they held their shape. I used a Wilton star tip and while they spread, it was just slightly. I made some in round shape like in the bakery and piped some in two inch length and added some lemon curd one cooled to make sandwich cookies.

  • Theresa Grimaldi

    I have the book and followed the recipe, but it seems so hard to pipe out, any techniques to help, TIA

  • Chickie

    Love the recipe but with one change. I added 2 1/2 T milk which made the dough much easier to squeeze out of my pastry bag. They came out beautifully. I originally tried to press them out of the pastry bag with little success but with the milk added it was much easier. Cookies baked had the ridges on top as pictured.

  • Jennee

    These are just lovely and hold their shape better than other recipes I have tried. My husband loved them plain and I prefer them with the jam and chocolate so there’s something for both of us here. It’s a great recipe!

  • Katy

    well I thought i’d give these a try despite the reviews because it’s my husbands favorite cookie. Alas, I also was totally unable to pipe these. I popped open my piping bag, and when I tried with a ziplock it popped TWO holes in it. I tried to roll them out and use a cookie cutter but that did not go well either. I’m hoping that there will someday be an update that fixes the piping problem.

    1. Janis

      As there have now been many comments about this dough not being able to be piped without pastry bags bursting open I sm wondering if you can address the issue and maybe offer some explanation as to why this is happening to so many people. What could so many people be doing wrong? It’s not just an isolated handful of people. It’s a significant number. Maybe you have some ideas or suggestions you can offer that could help solve the problem.Thank you.

      1. Heather

        Yes! I was wondering the same thing, especially b/c the suggestion to make these cookies was just re-posted in the “cookie palooza” digest/email newsletter. It would be great if everyone’s challenges could be addressed. My issue wasn’t about getting the dough through a pastry bag (I did let it get super soft as suggested). My challenge was that the 1/2″ x 1 3/4″ size instruction ended up in flat, tiny brittle cookies without any piping – not even close to what is shown in the photos. I even stacked the piping on top of each other for my last batch to see if I could fix the issue and still – just flat and dry. Smitten Kitchen recipes are usually incredibly reliable and delicious, but this one was a fail (for me that is). Would not make these again.

  • Kara

    I used 260 grams of flour and it was way too stiff. Adding some cream to try to thin, but realizing 1 c of flour is 120 grams, and maybe it should read 240 grams?? Still in process… I’ll update when they’re done. :)

  • Michael Cleary

    I had to add 1/4 c milk (slightly warmed) to get this dough to be pipe-able. That said, having done just that they came out perfectly.

  • Laurey

    Hi Deb! I LOVE this recipe so much, the flavor is incredible. I’ve been trying to perfect this so have made them 3x in the past week and the latest batch I made half as swirl cookies because I think the flavor is so good it’s nice to showcase without the jam.

    When I’m trying to pipe, the batter definitely feels very thick, which make the ends stumpy and not round like yours. What do you suggest?

  • April

    I made these today but they spread and lost all the beautiful detail of piping it. I wonder if I needed to put them in fridge for a few minutes after piping? They taste amazing but definitely aren’t too pretty.

  • Jeremy Weiser

    When I get these cookies from a bakery the jelly inside is more of a solid than a jelly. It can basically peel away from the cookie rather than being more like a messy spread. How do I get that texture for my jam.

  • Kristine M Smith

    These keep at room temperature in an airtight container for a week.

    Bwahahaha…if they last that long at my house :)

  • Marcy T

    Great recipe….we’ve made ‘butter cookies’ for decades with this recipe. Our favorite for Christmas is using a cookie press and a flower shape then we put 1/2 of a maraschino cherry in the center before baking. We also color the dough green and use the press to make tree shapes and the kids/grandkids get to choose the sprinkles before baking. In turn I use the egg whites for a pumpkin harvest cake recipe we also make for the holidays.

  • Kim Theobald

    Hi! Do you think they would still taste great with vegan button?

  • Rosie

    Deb, if I may ask: when you make these do you weigh the flour or use measuring cups? I want to ensure a nice, pipe-able dough, and I figured I’d just follow your example to get it right.

    1. Marcy T

      I find I use less flour up front see how a couple cookies pipe and bake then add more flour if needed. Butter moisture content varies so much in my opinion.

  • CJ

    Making these now and I find the dough is not very supple for piping. Also I did not have wide enough tip so I have piped two strips together which seems to work. I doubt I will make these again as I don’t have hand strength for piping ha!

  • Allison

    Wow, this one was an epic fail for me. The dough was way too dry, barely stayed together without adding some liquid, and then wouldn’t go through the piping bag. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong but what??

  • a.m.

    I’m in my kitchen attempting these cookies right now, and I’ve already burst through a plastic bag. The dough is soft and I waited a while for my butter to soften but it will absolutely not go through the piping tip (which I just went out to buy today) Hopefully my cookie press will come to the rescue. I suggest getting a grip strengthener for your hands if you’re gonna try this one.

  • Margaret

    There have been many comments regarding the dough being too stiff to pipe. I found this to be true and tried to modify, but the cookies turned out grainy and unappealing. The conversion chart for all purpose flour on the King Arthur Flour website states that one cup of all purpose flour is 120 grams, calling for 240 grams in this recipe, not 260. Could you clarify?

  • Megan

    Here to add to the chorus that this dough is WAY TOO STIFF to pipe!! Something is definitely wrong here. I am very disappointed as I have been wanting to try this cookie for years and finally took the plunge this morning to have a dough so hard it broke one disposable piping bag and now will still not pipe, I guess I will try to roll them out or something?? Guess I should have read the comments first about adding milk? I am just perplexed here…Note to add I am a very experienced cookie baker and weighed my flour…

  • Meghan

    Taste good but not worth the ohysical pain to make. My hands really hurt, as the dough didn’t extrude well. I would up rolling them out, flattening them by hand and cutting them to the desired length just so I didn’t waste the dough. The dough also didn’t spread when they baked and, using a 1/2 inch tip, they look like fat pencils. Disappointed and wondering if I missed something in the recipe….

  • Kelly Weiss

    disaster, the dough was impossible to work with. They are so pretty on your site, I am bummed I wasted the time and ingredients.

    1. Kara Root

      There are so many people struggling with this one. Deb, would you be willing to help us out? Is the flour amount wrong? What’s our mistake?

  • Flannery

    Long time Smitten Kitchen aficionado/first time commenter. Have been dreaming about making these for years and asked for decorating tips for Christmas so I could finally achieve these spectacularly cute cookies!

    I was a little nervous about piping the dough so made sure my butter was room temp and also let my mixing bowl sit on my preheated oven for a few minutes before I added the flour to make sure the butter was extra warm. It turned out perfectly! I’d never melted chocolate before so in classic fashion I overheated it and it turned sludgy but I took it off the heat, added some more chocolate chips and a little vegetable oil, and it ended up fine!

    All that description makes it seem complicated but I actually feel like they were quite easy considering how intricate/fancy they are. Excited to make a big batch for Valentine’s Day.

    Thank you, Deb! Another amazing recipe added to my repertoire.

  • Al Benedict

    Can I roll this dough out and cut with a cookie cutter? Thanks.

  • I love this cookie and had an excellent result.
    I follows the recipe exactly, scaling everything in grams and using the cuisinart which does a good job of keeping things on the warm side.

    For those struggling with losing their ridges:
    I recommend piping and freezing the cookies then baking them from frozen. Mine took around 14 minutes to brown around the edges.

    For those struggling with piping: use a heavy duty disposable piping bag or double your piping bag. Don’t cut the bag too far up the tip as it creates more pressure. Use only half the dough at a time so the distance between the tip and the palm of your hand isn’t to great as that creates pressure on the bag, I creasing the possibility that the bag will burst. Alternatively, you can do what I and many other pastry chefs do, pipe with a bubble. You fill your bag but make a twist in the bag about 6” from your pastry tip. Close the top of the bag with a clip or twist it and wrap the excess around your finger. This way, you’ve filled your whole bag but are only piping half at a time. That creates less pressure on the side of the bag, decreasing the possibility that it will burst.

  • If you’re looking for a more efficient way to pipe these little guys perhaps try and pipe a line the length of your sheet pan. Chill them and then cut as many cookies as you like, whatever length you like. I would recommend piping side to side I stead of towards you. I think it’s easier to keep the lengtth straight. It’s also the way I pipe eclairs.

  • Becca

    Have you ever tried sandwiching these with something other than jam e.g. buttercream or more chocolate?

  • Meredith

    Deb, I can’t remember the first time I made these – probably shortly after you posted. But, these are STILL the only cookie my kids ask me to make for their special bring to school birthday celebration treat for the class. The cookies come out AMAZING every single time. And I look like the best mom ever. THANK YOU DEB!

  • Joanna

    I’ve made this recipe three times and it knocks the socks off anyone who eats them every time. I don’t sandwich mine- I dip half the cookie in chocolate and sprinkle with desiccated coconut.

  • Jennifer Severson

    Would this recipe work with a cookie press? Spritz cookies?

    1. deb


  • Christina R.

    These were so good, I literally shed a tear when I first made them last Christmas. They’re just like the Italian cookies I grew up with, but somehow better and more flavorful (or maybe it’s all the effort that goes into them…) Anyway, I found the dough to be a bit hard when I first tried this recipe, so I’ve adapted a little. I read through all of the comments first so I knew what I was getting in to! When I make these, my butter is SOFT. Not normal room-ish temperature soft where a stand mixer can beat it into submission, but so soft it’s almost melted. Leave the butter on the counter near a warm oven if you need, but not so close that it will actually melt, which will change the chemistry of the butter and thus the cookie dough (could end up with flattened shapes, or worse the butter will seep out the sides of the cookie). If I place the dough in a piping bag that isn’t super strong (a.k.a. a ziploc bag), I double up the piping bag to be safe. I also will leave the piping bag, once filled, near the warming oven if the bag still feels too stiff. I promise these cookies are worth the effort once you can get the dough right. They really do look store-bought once you sandwich them, dip them in chocolate, and add sprinkles/nuts.

  • Tere

    Also they’re great filled with manjar (aka dulce de leche)!

  • Joan Ciaramella

    I made these today. The dough was quite thick and so it was a tough job to squeeze them through the X-Large tip. Also they never flattened out some in the oven. Taste was good and I completed the job. Only got 24 cookies also. Any tips for a better experience would be appreciated as these are my favorite cookies and I’d like to put them in my rotation. Thank you.

  • Alison

    I’m just curious why you use granulated instead of powdered sugar for these? Most recipes seem to use powdered sugar. Thanks!

  • Judy

    Dear Deb,
    Even though we have not yet met, I think you are the best! You see I truly enjoy cooking 😆. And now that I am retired, I get to make so many of the amazing SK recipes. And I confess, I can spend hours reading your recipes and planning elaborate menus for 2 or more when our boys come to visit. In the meantime, I text them pics of all the yummy dishes with a note letting them know how much I wish they were in my kitchen to taste the goodies and of course I tell them: “you got to make this” ☺️
    Thank you so much for all the cooking inspiration and stories. Love them all!
    P.s. I am making these cookies to bring to our son’s for Easter. But will make until Thursday. If I make them now, I am afraid there will be none.

  • grimorange

    Pretty late to the game on this one, but I just made these and while I also found piping to be initially impossible, these steps help make it easy:

    1. I used a canvas piping bag, which is stronger and did not come close to bursting

    2. I needed to warm my dough, as others have noted! I popped the piping bag into the preheated oven for 2, 30-second rounds and kneaded in between

    I still found the first 2 or 3 cookies to be tough to squeeze out, but the rest came through easily! I chilled my generic jam before filling, and I didn’t find it to be finicky.

    The cookies are GREAT.

  • bakery-style butter cookies (2024)
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    Name: Kieth Sipes

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    Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.