Quidditch Through the Ages (2024)

Kai Spellmeier

Author7 books14.7k followers


June 15, 2020

“Trans Lives Matter.”
- Not Rita Skeeter on Quidditch Through the Ages


2,289 reviews3,633 followers

April 29, 2024

(B) 75% | More than Satisfactory
Notes: First part's evolutions, attributions, origins of names, delightful, great, but then deflates: just lists and factoids (lame).

*Check out progress updates for detailed commentary:

Progress updates:

09/07/2023 (1) - Preamble
Quidditch Through the Ages (3)
(1) This one's been on my TBR forever, but it's one of those books that I've either never quite been in the mood or had any reason to read.
- I read "Tales of Beadle the Bard," but the other Hogwarts Library (fictional nonfiction) books never felt as necessary.
- Plus I was never a Potterhead and thus wasn't a completist about consuming every bit of text available.

09/07/2023 (2) - Foreword–Chapter 5
Quidditch Through the Ages (4)
(1) The first half of this deals with the evolution of quidditch as an amalgam of older broom games on the Queerditch Marsh, to the addition of bird catching (golden snidgets), to its final form with metal snitches.
- Parallel to this is an etymological evolution underscoring in extinct tongues how age-old the game is.
- Quidditch, like rugby, is named after a place.

09/08/2023 - Chapters 6–10
Quidditch Through the Ages (5)
(1) All but one team listed has an alliterative English name, even the ones in non-English speaking countries.
- The exception is Puddlemere United, possibly as it's the oldest.
- They're also named in the American style (city + nickname). Ironic, since quidditch isn't popular there.
(2) The second half of the book really drags.
- It's all rules, lists, and factoids.


    100-199-pp author-british ebook-overdrive

Ahmad Sharabiani

9,564 reviews154 followers

January 11, 2022

Quidditch Through the Ages, J.K.(Joanne kathleen) Rowling, Kennilworthy Whisp (Pseudonym)

Quidditch Through the Ages is a 2001 book written by British author J. K. Rowling using the pseudonym of Kennilworthy Whisp about Quidditch in the Harry Potter universe.

It purports to be the Hogwarts library's copy of the non-fiction book of the same name mentioned in several novels of the Harry Potter series.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز دوم ماه آگوست سال2002میلادی

عنوان: کوییدیچ در گذر زمان؛ اثر: جی.کی رولینگ؛ مترجم: ویدا اسلامیه؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، کتابسرای تندیس، سال1380، در103ص، مصور، جدول، شابک9645757150؛ چاپ هشتم سال1396؛ شابک9789645757159؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده21م

فهرست: «پیش گفتار»؛ «جاروهای پرنده»؛ «بازی در باتلاق کوییدیچ»؛ «ورود گوی زرین»؛ «اقدامات اضطراری ضد مشنگی»؛ «تغییرات کوییدیچ: (زمین بازی، توپها، بازیکنان؛ قوانین بازی؛ داوران)»؛ «تیمهای کوییدیچ بریتانیا و ایرلند»؛ «گسترش کوییدیچ در جهان»؛ «تکامل جاروهای مسابقه»؛ «کوییدیچ امروزی»؛

کوییدیچ در گذر زمان؛ عنوان کتابی نوشته ی «جی.کی رولینگ» است، که در سال2001میلادی عرضه شد؛ این کتاب که پس از کتاب «هری پاتر و جام آتش» به نگارش درآمده، درباره ی تاریخچه، و قوانین بازی خیالی «کوییدیچ» است؛ «رولینگ» این کتاب را با نام مستعار «کنیل ورتی ویسپ» نوشتند، که در دنیای داستانهای «هری پاتر»، یک کارشناس «کوییدیچ» هستند؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 29/11/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 20/10/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی

Miranda Reads

1,589 reviews162k followers

March 29, 2021

Quidditch Through the Ages (8)
Is there anything more quintessential than Quidditch?

This short book written by Kennilworthy Whisp (aka JK Rowling) delves into the history of Quidditch.

From the humble beginnings of brooms to the history of the quaffle to the formation of the Quidditch teams - this book has it all.

Now, this is definitely not my first time reading this book...but this is my first time really enjoying it.

I got the illustrated version as a Christmas present from a dear friend and I absolutely love the lift that the pictures give to this book.

The drawing and "newspaper clippings" were so fun to look at and helped me fully immerse myself in this book.

All in all, I adored it!!

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1,171 reviews3,675 followers

May 19, 2016

Game On!!!


I didn't know what to expect about this book written by the magical J.K. Rowling about the "history" of the magic sport of Quidditch.

However, I was happily surprised that while some chapters explaining the rules of the "sport" are kinda tiresome, they were the few, since other chapters were really amusing and entertaining.

You "learn" why the decission of using brooms to fly.

Also, you "learn" about the official Quidditch teams on the British league, but even also you will learn about how popular or not is this sport in other countries and continents.

It's a book written with the heart of Rowling allowing to appreciate an important element of the magical world of Harry Potter beyond of what you may knew about on the book series.

You won't be dissapointed...

...and don't let go away that Golden Snitch!!!

    magic reference-book sports

Mohammed Arabey

709 reviews6,089 followers

November 19, 2016

To reveal the Qudditch Through the Ages...You'll be enlightened with a brief bits of the History of Magic itself..
Whether it is based on TRUE EVENTS or totally from the "moste creativee mindee of Joanna Rowling" - which I start ,after her Potter saga and these related books, to believe that it's real :)-you'll be fully entertained :)
Try Also That One

The books is almost perfect just lack of one small thing, mentioning that Quidditch is Now Widely played by MUGGLES through the world :)
Quidditch Through the Ages (12)Quidditch Through the Ages (13)Quidditch Through the Ages (14)Quidditch Through the Ages (15)

Google it :) you'll shock .
May be it Starts before the Publication of the book :)

I loved this journey into this magical world..I wish more books about the History of Magic by our Queen of Magic :)

And one last thing

Thank you so much Jo for giving me the opportunity to participate into the charity work with only buying your great,fun,clever and most entertaining books.

Mohammed Arabey
3 April 2013
16 April 2013


785 reviews1,425 followers

November 16, 2018

I think that Rita said it very well: "I've read worse.".

It was a fun, quick read but... A bit dull if you ask me. There was a lot of effort to make it funny, but it just felt a bit forced.

But I have to admire JK that she put so much thought into the whole universe and has so much knowledge about it. That's fantastic! But I believe that Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them where just a bit better.

    english expected-something-else pb

Ivana - Diary of Difference

581 reviews917 followers

March 21, 2022

Full review can be found here: diaryofdifference.com/2018/06/11/quid...

For every Harry Potter fan out there, there is a book in the fictional library, that somehow wizards allowed for it to be shared with us muggles.

Note: I am not a muggle, I am, of course, a wizard, but I believe Hogwarts has made some admin mistakes and my letter is yet due to arrive!

But for you muggles out there, this book has been approved to be shared, and it talks about the most famous sport in the wizarding world - Quidditch. A sport in which Harry Potter was a star, just like his father and many famous people before him!

Quidditch Through the Ages (18)

This book speaks about the rules of Quidditch, the history, the famous teams around the world, the most famous players, the most exciting matches, the most devastating injuries, and the most mysterious endings of the matches.

While I was listening to it (Yes, I have the audible version - actually the second audio book I have ever read/listened to), this book made me feel like I was a part of this world, the same feeling I always get when I read the Harry Potter series. J.K. Rowling is such an amazing writer, and times and times again, I wish this world was real, and I wish I was part of it.

With my audio version, I also got the bonus scenes of the 2014 World Cup being held, and it being reported by Ginny Potter and Rita Skeeter. It was the most amazing thing ever. It is also taken out from the Pottermore edition, so I think you might be able to find it online!

This book belongs to the never-forgettable shelf, alongside Harry Potter, and alongside all my other favourite books!

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    favourites format-audio genre-fantasy


591 reviews471 followers

April 13, 2017

Es ist einfach der Wahnsinn, was J.K. Rowling für eine Fantasie besitzt. So ein detailreiches Handbuch über die Geschichte des Quidditch im Wandel der Zeiten mit vielen verschiedenen Spielern, Mannschaften und Anekdoten. Dieses Büchlein enthält darüber hinaus auch einige liebevoll skizzierte Zeichnungen, bspw. von einem fliegenden Besen oder dem Quidditchspielfeld. Also bekommt auch dieses Buch aus der Hogwarts Bibliothek von mir nicht nur 5 Sterne, sondern auch wieder eine uneingeschränkte Leseempfehlung für alle Harry Potter Fans! :)


416 reviews35 followers

April 7, 2016

This was awesome! I can't believe I've never read it before! I gave this 5 out of 5 not because it was a phenomenal work of literary fiction, but because of the time and effort that J.K. Rowling put into creating this amazing sport, the history, the teams, the rules, everything is phenomenally done! I love Quidditch, and being a total sports nerd this was perfect for me. The coolest thing for me was when the book discussed Canadian teams and a team called the Moose Jaw Meteorites were mentioned. They are a team that after they win they fly around with fiery sparks coming from their broom ends in magical formations which is highly anticipated by the viewers. Moose Jaw is a town not far from where I live and they have planes called Snowbirds that fly together in the most amazing formations and people from all over come to watch. J.K. Rowling really put in her all with this by diving into the research. I definitely suggest this if you're interested in learning more about this magical sport, and just as a little extra Harry Potter read! 5 out of 5!


1,081 reviews525 followers

January 17, 2016

Ver en la lista de préstamos del libro el nombre de Cedric Diggory y llorar a mares.


Mariah Roze

1,049 reviews1,050 followers

April 30, 2018

My students are reading the first two Harry Potter books. Once they are done there will be a little bit of time left before the school year ends, so we are going to read this book. I just finished the book and created my own student workbook and homework assignments because there are none on this book. If you are a teacher and would like a copy of the material I'd love to share. I worked way too long and hard on it, to not share it :p

This book is about Quidditch; the most popular sport in the wizarding world and especially at Hogwarts. This book is written like a text book that the students at Hogwarts were able to check out.

Update: My students really enjoyed this book!

April (Aprilius Maximus)

1,130 reviews6,477 followers

April 19, 2020

I reread this for the first time in probably 15 years and it was super fun! I listened to the new audiobook narrated by Andrew Lincoln (with extra bonus content) and I loved it!

I will say I stopped listening to the bonus content after like, 30 minutes because it got really boring. You're basically listening to Ginny reporting on the preliminary rounds of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup and I honestly was super bored by this part.

But the original book is great. Humorous and informative and a lot more fun than I remember it being!

Jasmine from How Useful It Is

1,442 reviews365 followers

November 17, 2019


I'm not sure what I expect before reading this book, but I guess I didn't expect it to read like a boring history book. Though "Through the Ages" is a dead giveaway. I do like that there's humor. The book started out slow but got better at the Golden Snitch chapter. I like the illustrations, especially the quaffle balls and the scoring baskets. I like the different ways this story is written. It includes letters and newspaper clippings. It makes the read a bit more interesting. I got bored with the different teams and lost interest after.

    fantasy owned young-adult


379 reviews48 followers

April 2, 2023

Más allá de que haya despertado opiniones encontradas en el mundo mágico, para los muggles este libro es la guía definitiva para entender el Quidditch y sus orígenes. Conciso, ameno, divertido y con la honorable participación de Dumbledore en la escritura del breve prólogo. El admirado director de Hogwarts explica cómo logró que el libro llegara a manos no (tan) mágicas: las nuestras ("Debo admitir que me costó un poco persuadir a la señora Pince de que se desprendiera de uno de sus libros para que pudiera ser reproducido y destinado a un consumo más amplio. De hecho, cuando le dije que estaría a disposición de los muggles, enmudeció y no se movió ni parpadeó en varios minutos. Cuando se recuperó, fue lo bastante precavida para preguntarme si había perdido la razón")
Por supuesto, solo recomendable para esos seres que "han cruzado la línea" y ya no tienen vuelta atrás: los fans incondicionales de la saga.


Author5 books4,419 followers

February 10, 2017

Slightly better than FB, this one reads like a long a boring textbook on the history of a wizarding game.

But that's probably because it's exactly that. :)

Don't get me wrong. It's fascinating in its way, but I've never cared much for ANY kind of sports history. It bores me to tears. :)

At least this has magic, no? It's written well. It still just happens to be a short history.

    2016-shelf fantasy

Ronak Gajjar

270 reviews94 followers

January 18, 2018

‘I’ve read worse.’ – Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet
And I was like SHUT UP, you old douche-bag! Also, that object of a thief’s curse is amusing.
So, let’s dive into the Quidditch Guide! I usually don’t indulge myself much in sports section but Quidditch has always been alluring one!
Quidditch Through the Ages (28)
The originality of game – initially known as “Kwidditch” is quite peculiarly appealing. The traces of those borrowed from a witch’s diary are a really fun part, actually the way she described the game. But the all the bladder business of dragons, goats used in the game is really creepy.
The Anti-Muggle precautions are bizarre, and types of fouls totally hilarious. I expected it to drag or bore me but it never wavered my attention for a single second. The continents wise categorization along with the team descriptions is, in fact, detailed one but I demand more illustrations.
The Snitch which was at first used as a Live bird – Snidget! Later on, The Ministry of Magic banned its use in the game replacing it with charmed Snitch.
Quidditch Through the Ages (29)
And all of the sudden nostalgia hits you while relishing the pages – The first game of Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Fred and George Weasley (*actually almost the whole Weasley Family, even Ginny played it) and all that cheering for the house – Gryffindor!
And of course how can I forget the World Cup:
Quidditch Through the Ages (30)
Quidditch Through the Ages (31)
And before Ginny says – SHUT IT! Go and read it.

    2018 stand-alones


944 reviews1,247 followers

October 6, 2016

Funnier and more interesting than Fantastic Beasts. Also, it read more like a genuine Hogwarts text book than Fantastic Beasts did, which was just basically a giant list with a brief summary of various creatures. This had far more magic and history and information in it.

    liked-it magic spin-off


2,139 reviews3,657 followers

March 15, 2018

I'm not a sports fan as many others are. However, I do enjoy watching some soccer matches whenever there is a European or World Championship. When I watched Harry Potter, I was amused by the wizarding sport #1, Quidditch, but nothing more. Then came the 4th book/movie and with them the Quidditch World Cup and I was enamoured. The atmosphere of the gathering (before it all went wrong), the intricacies of the rules and mascots and rivalries and the games themselves ... the enthusiasm was palpable and I'm not in the least bit surprised that there are some people in this world that actually are playing Quidditch and holding tournaments.

This book is one of two school books of Harry's that can be found in the library of Hogwarts. He reads it in preparation for becoming the seeker of Gryffindor. Thus, the reader, like Harry, is taught the history and regulations of the sport through very quirky and funny chapters.

This particular edition is the brand new audio version narrated by Andrew Lincoln who does a superb job. Many will be surprised and not actually count on his native British accent since he's faking an American one so well on TWD. But believe me, the man is very much British. Want proof? Here it is.

J.K. Rowling published this, as the other school book, in support of Comic Relief and - now - Lumos which makes the purchase a good deed on top of a must-have for any fan.

And yes, this new release of an audio version, lining up with the release of so many other special editions (also due to the anniversaries), has sparked hopes in many fans (myself included) that this quirky little addition to the wizarding world will one day be adapted for the screen as well (preferrably with Andrew Lincoln in it). *squeals*

Quidditch Through the Ages (34)


552 reviews2,371 followers


February 11, 2021

‘Mr Whisp shows a lot of promise. If he keeps up the good work, he may well find himself sharing a photoshoot with me one of these days!’

— Gilderoy Lockhart, author, Magical Me

‘Bet you anything it’ll be a bestseller. Go on, I bet you.’
— Ludovic Bagman, England and Wimbourne Wasps Beater

(Need I say more?)

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    book-series fantasy tolino


1,161 reviews1,711 followers

March 31, 2016

Just like Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, this is an informative book. We get to learn the history of Quidditch (a popular sport in the Wizarding World.), other games using Broomsticks, Quidditch Teams, Game rules etc.. It's really a fascinating read and I enjoyed it :)



Peiman E iran

1,438 reviews808 followers

May 9, 2016

دوستانِ گرانقدر، موضوع این کتاب در مورد «کوییدیچ» است.. ورزشی که دسته جارو یا همان جاروهای چوبی و جادویی عنصرِ اصلی آن هستند
این کتاب برای آن دسته از دوستان که به داستان های «جادوگری» همچون داستان های «هری پاتر» و یا داستان های غیرواقعی و افسانه ای علاقمند هستند، میتواند خواندنی و جالب باشد
به بخش هایی از این کتاب در زیر اشاره میکنم
بازی آلمانی «استیش استاک»: در این بازی مثانۀ باد شدۀ یک اژدها را به انتهای یک تیر شش متری می بستند، یکی از بازیکنانِ جارو سوار مسئولِ مراقبت از مثانۀ اژدها بود
یک سر طنابی را به دور کمر محافظ مثانه و سر دیگر آن را به تیر دروازه میبستند... سایر بازیکنان با جارو به پرواز در می آمدند و سعی بر این داشتند که با نوک جارو م��انه را سوراخ کنند و محافظ باید آنها را دور میکرد و مانع میشد
این مسابقه در سه حالت ممکن بود به پایان برسد: اول: بازیکنانِ مهاجم مثانه را سوراخ کنند... دوم: محافظ با استفاده از جارو و همچنین جادوهایِ گوناگون، مهاجمین را از میدان بدر کند... سوم: محافظِ مثانه از زورِ خستگی از روی جارویش به پایین سرنگون شود
بازی استکاتلندی «کریاتشن»: در این بازی جادوگران کاسه ای را با تسمه به سر خود میبستند.. و در ارتفاع 30 متری، بیش از صد سنگ و قلوه سنگ قرار داشت که بالای سر بازیکنان چوب سوار، قرار داشت... سنگ ها با سرعت به پایین رها میشدند.. بازیکنان باید در کاسه های خود سنگ جمع آوری میکردند... البته این بازی تلفات و کشته های زیادی داشت.. اما آزمونی برای سنجش شجاعت و مردانگی در استکاتلند بشمار میرفت

امیدوارم این توضیحات جالب بوده باشه
«پیروز باشید و ایرانی»



115 reviews68 followers

August 16, 2021

"A warning: If you rip, tear, shred, bend, fold, deface, disfigure, smear, smudge, throw, drop, or in any other manner damage, mistreat, or show lack of respect towards this book, the consequences will be as awful as it is within my power to make them. "
- Irma Pince, Hogwarts Librarian

Noted ma'am.
I obviously had to read this book because I'm planning on trying out for the quidditch team 'Holyhead Harpies' (I'm NOT kidding).
Here are some fascinating things I learnt about quidditch:
* Apparently before the quaffle was invented , they used inflated bladders of goat( okay that's weird).
*The goalposts used back then were baskets instead of hoops.
*A small bird called a snidget was used instead of a snitch back then. The game was won once you caught and killed the snidget. The M.O.M banned this because.... ANIMAL ABUSE!!
*Quidditch was first played at a place called Queerditch marsh and the players were referred to as numbskulls by the onlookers . (oof)

"Oh the thrill of the chase as I soar through the air,
with the snitch up ahead and the wind in my hair.
As I draw ever closer the crowd gives a shout,
But then comes a Bludger and I am knocked out. "

Haha so anyway I have to go. I've got team trials now. I'm trying out to be a beater , wish me luck ;)

After having said all this, why did I give this three stars? I don't know.


465 reviews137 followers

February 8, 2022

اگه از طیف عاشقان و دلدادگان هری پاتر باشید احتمالا این کتاب براتون خیلی جذابه اگه صرفا هری پاتر رو دیدید و بدتون نیومده این کتاب بدک نیست و جالبه براتون اما اگه خیلی از هری پاتر دل خوشی ندارید این کتاب هم براتون مسخره خواهد بود. کتاب داستان نداره و از اسمش پیداست که در مورد تاریخچه ی ورزش جادوگری کوییدیچ هست و یه رشته ی طنزی هم بین سطور کتاب به چشم میخوره

    جی-کی-رولینگ فانتزی


393 reviews604 followers

November 5, 2018

J. K. Rowling is officially my favourite author everrrrr. This 64 paged book was a lot more interesting than most of the 500 paged books I've read. I really loved reading about the history of quidditch, the rules and everything and I'm not one bit of a sports fan!

    harry-potter-stuff read-in-one-sitting

Gorgona Grim

98 reviews100 followers

November 18, 2016

Prvo izdanje knjige "Kvidič kroz vekove" sam dobila 2002. od svojih kumova, te mi je ona ostala na prvom mestu i nakon objavljivanja drugih knjiga iz Hogvortske biblioteke tokom 2014. godine.

Čitajući serijal upoznali smo se sa igrom koja je u čarobnjačkom svetu popularna onoliko koliko je fudbal ili košarka popularna u našem svetu Normalaca, ako ne i više. Osnovna pravila kvidiča smo savladali zajedno sa Harijem koji je, nakon što je pokazao zavidnu veštinu letenja, bio izabran za tragača. Naravno, kvidič nije oduvek bio onakav kakvim smo ga mi doživeli u serijalu, te je ovaj vodič pred nama kako bismo pre svega upoznali nastanak igre, a potom se i dobro zabavili čitajući najrazličitije opise pravila i komičnih situacija sa terena.

Postoji toliko detalja koji su fantastični i koji mame osmeh na lice, ali ipak bih izdvojila timove koji igraju za Britaniju i Irsku, kao i opise popularnih poteza koje čarobnjaci i veštice imaju prilike da gledaju na utakmicama. Takođe mi je jako simpatična kartica zaduženja knjige iz biblioteke koja se nalazi na samom početku, a koja je ispunjena dobro poznatim imenima. Super mi je to što se imena i datumi razlikuju u ova dva izdanja iz 2002. i 2014.



44 reviews4 followers

April 9, 2007

So, in the increasing hysteria mounting over the advent of the final Harry Potter book, I have been reading anything I can get my hands on before we all know how it ends and the fun is over! This teeny little book is quite funny and reads in about 10 minutes. Written exclusively for charity, it includes a libary check-out card in the front with "H. Potter" on the final line, as well as an explanatory foreward by Dumbledore himself. Utterly charming, it is more evidence that Rowling's universe is systematically and meticulously plotted out to the last detail, including the similarities between the golden snitch and the now endangered bird, the Golden Snidget!

Reem Ghabbany

395 reviews340 followers

February 6, 2017

Oh my god!
This was bad!
I could have died if I didn't skip like 20 pages!
This contained so many unnecessary details!!!! Yeah there were some interesting facts that I enjoyed but most of the book was blah blah blah
I hate that I rated 2 stars to a book that belongs to my all time favorite book series
But I had to!


1,262 reviews669 followers

March 19, 2021

Libro entretenido ,que habla sobre el quidditch, sus orígenes, estructura del juego, equipos más famosos, reglas e infracciones, tácticas o movimientos más famosos...
# 32. Un libro cuyo título comience con Q, X o Z. Reto popsugar 2021

    fantástica infantil-y-juvenil kindle-bq
Quidditch Through the Ages (2024)


What is in Quidditch through the ages? ›

Quidditch Through the Ages was a book detailing the history, evolution, and rules of Quidditch first published in 1952. It was written by Kennilworthy Whisp, and became one of the most popular books in the library of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Who wrote Quidditch through the ages in the Harry Potter universe? ›

Quidditch Through the Ages is a 2001 book written by British author J. K. Rowling using the pseudonym of Kennilworthy Whisp about Quidditch in the Harry Potter universe.

How long is Quidditch through the ages? ›

Product information
Publisher‎Arthur A. Levine Books; Reprint edition (June 30, 2015)
Hardcover128 pages
Reading age‎8 years and up
8 more rows

Who narrates Quidditch through the ages? ›

On 15 March 2018, an audiobook was released, narrated by Andrew Lincoln.

When was Quidditch banned? ›

' The advice of Mumps must not have always been followed, as in 1362, the Wizards' Council outlawed playing Quidditch within fifty miles of a known Muggle town. This was amended in 1368, possibly due to growing popularity of the game.

Why was Harry banned from playing Quidditch? ›

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, because of the ongoing battle with Professor Umbridge, Harry was banned from the Quidditch team along with Fred and George Weasley; so Angelina did have to engineer a mid-season replacement for her Seeker and both Beaters.

How did J.K. Rowling think of Quidditch? ›

Rowling recently revealed that she came up with the idea for Quidditch after a very simple interaction, a fight with her boyfriend, which led her to storm out and go to the local pub and come up with a sport for her book that would, quote unquote, “infuriate men because it made no sense to have a ball that was 150 ...

What is the Golden Snitch made of? ›

Behind the scenes

It is unknown if Golden Snitches were made of pure gold or a gold alloy. When Alistair Fidgen gave Jacob's sibling a Golden Snitch, it was noted to have rust spots, which shouldn't have been possible if it was pure gold, as gold doesn't rust.

Who was the Slytherin Quidditch captain during Draco's first year? ›

Slytherin captain Marcus Flint really personified the Slytherin team's personality: they weren't afraid to play dirty to win a game. Angelina was nearly thrown from her broom as Marcus Flint went smashing into her. 'Sorry! ' said Flint, as the crowd below booed.

Did Draco play Quidditch in Year 6? ›

Draco Quit Quidditch

His grades began to suffer during his sixth year, and he eventually loses interest in Quidditch. He even has a fellow Slytherin, Harper, take his place on the team.

What is no longer called Quidditch? ›

By Scottie Andrew, CNN. 2 minute read. Published 12:27 PM EDT, Wed July 20, 2022. The San Antonio Soldados and New Orleans Curse play a game of quidditch, which will now be known as quadball.

Was Quidditch a thing before Harry Potter? ›

Quidditch (/ˈkwɪdɪtʃ/) is a fictional sport invented by author J. K. Rowling for her fantasy book series Harry Potter. It first appeared in the novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997).

What genre is Quidditch through the ages? ›

Is the Quidditch announcer a boy or girl? ›

Lee Jordan was a Gryffindor student and best friends with Weasley twins Fred and George. His passion for Quidditch was often revealed during matches where he served as the commentator for the crowds, sometimes getting reprimanded by Professor McGonagall if he took things too far.

Who was Quidditch captain before Harry? ›

Oliver Wood was the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and Keeper. He was delighted when he discovered Harry's prodigious flying talent, a perfect fit for the vacant Seeker position on their team.

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