Roland - Support - SP-404MKII - Updates & Drivers (2024)

SP-404MKII System Program (Ver.4.05)


Please check the version of the system working on your SP-404MKII before downloading the archive file.

  1. Hold down [ SHIFT ] and tap the pad [ 13 ].
    The "UTILITY MENU" screen appears.
  2. Turn the [ VALUE ] knob to select "SYSTEM", then press the [ VALUE ] knob.
  3. Turn the [ CTRL 3 ] knob all the way clockwise.
    The version information is displayed on the screen.
  4. Press [ EXIT ] to go back to the initial screen.


[ Ver.4.05 ] MAY 2024

Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed.

  • Crashes when Sampling/Resampling is performed after importing a Sample (IMPORT SAMPLE).
  • When exporting a Project, all folder names become "PROJECT1".
  • MULTIPAD EXPORT may not export the selected pattern.
  • While recording with LOOPER, recording cannot be stopped in Chromatic Mode.
  • The Melodics app does not work properly when "MIDI Sync Out:ON" is set.
  • END SNAP does not work in Ver.4.04.

< SP-404MKII App >

  • Roll settings (triplets) are not displayed correctly.
  • Overwriting the SP-404MK2 pattern from the SP-404MKII App corrupts the pattern data.
  • If you delete all tracks in your DAW while the SP-404MKII App's VST plug-in is running, the SP-404MKII App crashes.

[ Ver.4.04 ] APR 2024

* Please refer to the "SP-404MKII Reference Manual (Version 4)" for detailed information in the [ Owner's Manuals ].

Additional Functions / Functionality Improvements

  • Added "LOOPER" for overlapping samples.
  • Added "GROOVE" to add rhythmic characteristics to samples.
  • Added "MULTIPAD EXPORT" which converts phrases recorded in patterns into audio for each Pad.
  • Added the ability to bounce Pattern Chains (convert them to samples).
  • "Koala Sampler" can now be operated from SP-404MK2.
    Please refer to the "Using Koala Sampler with the SP-404MK2:Setup Guide" for detailed information in the [Owner's Manuals].
  • Added "SOUND GENERATOR" to create bass sounds etc.
  • Added "MICROSCOPE" to edit patterns note by note in TR-REC.
  • A Tap Recording function has been added to TR-REC.
  • Added "SAMPLE MERGE" to combine multiple samples into one sample.
  • A function has been added to set the number of measures to sample when Sampling/Resampling.
  • A level meter is now displayed when Sampling/Resampling.
  • When Sampling/Resampling, it is now possible to control using external MIDI start/stop commands.
  • Added "RENAME" to edit sample and project file names using SP-404MK2 main unit operations.
  • Added "IMPORT PROJECT (SP-404SX)" to import SP-404SX / SP-404A projects.
  • Added the ability to directly load Project files saved on the SD Card.
  • Added the ability to import samples saved on the SD Card in DJ mode.
  • Increased the number of scale types in Chromatic Mode.
  • Added the ability to record ROLL in Patterns.
  • Increased the number of roll interval types for sample playback.
  • Added "DJFX Delay".
  • When swapping BUS 1 / BUS 2 effects, the effect parameter values are now retained.
  • Added "Pad Color <SAMPLE>" to set the pad lighting color for each sample.
  • Pads to which no samples have been set (Blank Pads) will no longer light up when the screen saver is displayed.
  • Added a function to forcibly mute when samples from other banks are played.
  • Other minor feature additions/improvements have been made.

Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed.

  • UNDO does not work properly when quantize is around 50%.
  • If you record a pattern in Chromatic Mode, GATE will be turned OFF.
  • Crash under certain conditions in DJ Mode.
  • Motion cannot be deleted in Ver.3.02.
  • Sample points are missing when importing certain samples.
  • When in Chromatic Mode, it cannot be controlled as intended from external MIDI.
  • Do not pass MIDI (Start/Stop commands) under certain conditions.
  • Crash when playing certain WAVs.
  • Minor bugs.

< SP-404MKII App >

* If you are using the SP-404MKII App, please update the SP-404MKII App to Version 4 or later along with the SP-404MKII itself.
* To use the SP-404MKII App Ver.3 or later as an Audio Units plug-in for Logic Pro on a Mac with Apple silicon, you need to install Rosetta 2.

  • Added "MULTIPAD EXPORT" which converts phrases recorded in patterns into audio for each Pad.
  • You can now export Samples and Patterns to your PC (DAW, etc.) using drag and drop.
  • Project files can now be edited offline even when SP-404MK2 is not connected.
  • Added the ability to add Chop Markers.

[ Ver.3.02 ] MAY 2023

Bug Fix
The following bug have been fixed.

  • In SP-404MKII Ver.3.01, resampling does not start even if the pad is pressed during "COUNT-IN:WAIT".

[ Ver.3.01 ] APR 2023

Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed.

  • When the GATE function is "ON" and RELEASE is set to "1" or higher, the following symptoms occur.
    • If you set the start point to the second half of the sample, the sound will continue until the end even after you take your finger off the pad.
    • Noise occurs at certain samples.
  • There is no count at the start of resampling.
    * Includes pattern resampling.
  • Changed MIDI Ch of "BANK F - PAD 1" to "2" when set to "MIDI Mode: B".
  • Other minor bugs.

[ Ver.3.00 ] MAR 2023

Additional Functions / Functionality Improvements

  • Added a "BOUNCE Function" to convert patterns created in the pattern sequencer to samples.
    ( When copying a pattern, press the [PATTERN SELECT] button to select the destination Sample Pad. )
  • The following movements are now recorded during sequencer recording.
    • ON/OFF of effects (BUS1 and BUS2)
    • Movement of parameters ([CTRL 1] - [CTRL 3] knobs)
  • Added PAD MUTE Mode.
    ( Press [SHIFT] + [REVERSE] + [REMAIN]. )
  • Added support for memorizing PAD MUTE movements during pattern recording (Real-Time REC).
    ( Press [SHIFT] + [REVERSE] + [REMAIN] during Real-Time REC. )
  • When copying a pattern, it is now possible to copy only the pattern of a specific sample.
    ( You can select the track (sample) to copy by pressing the [REMAIN] button while the pattern is selected. )
  • After recording a pattern, it is now possible to set the quantize for a specific sample.
    ( Press [RECORD SETTING] while editing a pattern. After setting the correction conditions with C2 and C3, select the pad you want to quantize and press the [VALUE] knob. )
  • The pattern sequencer tempo can now be set to the first decimal place.
    ( After pressing [SHIFT]+[PAD11], turn the [VALUE] knob while pressing the [SHIFT] button. )
  • Increased SUBSTEP division conditions in TR-REC mode.
  • It is now possible to select samples without playing them during TR-REC (step recording).
  • The display of "SOLO" in TR-REC mode has been made easier to understand.


  • Playback can be started from multiple MarkerPMositions (CUE points) set in CHOP Mode.
    ( While holding down the [SHIFT] button, press pads [1] - [16]. )

    Useful functions that use CUE points

    • You can add up to 7 markers during sample playback.
      ( Press [SHIFT] + [MARK] at the playback point where you want to add a marker. )
    • You can remove added markers.
      ( Press [SHIFT] + [DEL] + [PAD 1 - 16]. )
    • A shortcut to the WaveformEedit screen is available.
      ( Press [SHIFT] + [START/END]. )
    • Can be fixed in CUE Mode.
      ( Press [SHIFT] + [REMAIN]. )
  • Enabled reverse playback.
    Press [BPM SYNC] to switch the channel for reverse playback.
    ( Press the [REVERSE] button while the sample is playing. Reverse Type is fixed to 303. )
  • Enabled to change the type of Time Stretch.
    ( [UTILITY] > [SYSTEM] > [GENERAL] > [DJ mode TS type] > [VINYL/Backing/Ensemble] )
  • Enabled to switch between "EFX page" and "MIXER page".
    ( Press the [MARK] button.)
  • Enabled to mute during Sample Playback.
    ( While holding down the [SHIFT] and [REVERSE] buttons, press pad [13](CH1) / [15](CH2)]. )
  • Enabled to select level curve characteristics.
    ( While holding down [RESAMPLE], press the [VALUE] knob. )
  • Enabled to change BPM display to integer or decimal.
    ( Press [PITCH/SPEED] multiple times. Or press the [VALUE] knob. )
  • You can now adjust the effect of BEND.
    ( [UTILITY] > [SYSTEM] > [GENERAL] > [Bend Sens(DJ)] > 10 - 200 (Default:20))
  • BEND operation is now synchronized with MIDI clock (OUT).
    * When Bend SYNC (DJ) is "ON", pressing BEND while holding down [REMAIN] will not follow MIDI Clock.
    ( BEND operation is now synchronized with MIDI clock (OUT). )
  • Changed to display the Sample File name on the MIXER page.
    Also, when selecting a sample, the tempo of the sample is now displayed.


  • It is now possible to save the main parameters of effects (CTRL 1-3).
    ( While holding down the [SHIFT] button, press and hold the [MARK] button for 3 seconds or more. )
  • Enabled to set MFX at power-on.

< CHOP >

  • Markers attached to samples can now be saved.
    * This Marker can also be used as a CUE Point in DJ Mode.
    ( After adding a Marker to the sample, press the [EXIT] button to save. )
  • A shortcut has been added to collectively delete markers attached to samples.
    ( Hold down the [SHIFT] button and press the [DEL] button. )


  • Made it possible to copy Samples and Patterns to other Projects.
    ( When copying Samples/Patterns, use the [CTRL 3] knob to select the copy destination project.
    To copy a bank to another Project, press [COPY] + [EXIT]. )
  • Enabled to select MIDI Note sequence type.
    * MIDI CH and NOTE can now be offset when the sequence type is set to "B".
    ( [UTILITY] > [SYSTEM] > [MIDI] > [MIDI Mode] )
  • The [PITCH/SPEED] page / [ENVELOPE] page can now be used to change the parameters of all samples in a bank at the same time.
    ( On the [PITCH/SPEED] page / [ENVELOPE] page, change the parameter while holding down the [REMAIN] button.)
  • On the [PITCH/SPEED] page, you can now enter numerical values for the "SPEED" setting.
    ( On the [PITCH/SPEED] page, hold down [SHIFT] and press the [VALUE] knob. Then enter her BPM value with pads [1]-[10].)
  • On the [PITCH/SPEED] page, the BPM value of samples can now be set to the second decimal place.
    ( On the [PITCH/SPEED] page, set "BPM SET" to "MANU-F" using the [VALUE] knob.)
  • Added an "Anti-Feedback function" to prevent microphone input howling.
    ( [UTILITY] > [SYSTEM] > [GAIN] > [Anti Feedback] > [ON] )
  • It is now possible to set (ON/OFF) output of MIDI notes when PAD is pressed.
    ( [UTILITY] > [SYSTEM] > [MIDI] > [PAD Note Out] )
  • Fade-out (ENVELOPE) is enabled when sample playback with GATE set to "ON" is stopped (release finger from PAD).
  • A "ONE-SHOT Playback function" has been added that plays a sample only once when the pad is pressed.
    * While the sample is playing, pressing the pad again will not re-trigger (re-sound) it.
    ( Hold down the [VALUE] knob and press the [GATE] button to activate the one-shot parameter. )
  • The sample is played at the same time as the screen saver is released.
  • Remaining time is now displayed when the [REMAIN] button is pressed during sample playback.
  • A preview is now played when a sample is selected in COPY / DELETE / EXCHANGE / PAD LINK / MUTE GROUP operations.
  • Added audio file preview playback function when importing samples from SD card.
  • Added a function to scroll the file browser at high speed when importing samples from an SD card.
    ( In the file browser, hold down [MARK] and turn the [VALUE] knob. )
  • Supports SD cards up to 1 TB.
    * Please format the SD card on the SP-404MKII in advance.
    * When updating the SP-404MKII, please use an SD card of 32 GB or less.
  • File transfer speed (import/export) from "SP-404MKII App" has been increased by about 2 times.
    * Please download SP-404MKII App Version 3.00 or later from Roland Cloud.
  • Improved operational stability (latency) when playing multiple samples at the same time.
    ( By holding down the [VALEU] knob and pressing the [SUB PAD] button, you can minimize variations in pronunciation. )
  • Improved the operational stability of the MIDI clock output from the SP-404MKII.
  • You can now adjust the timing of the sounds and MIDI Clock output from the SP-404MKII.
    ( [UTILITY] > [SYSTEM] > [MIDI] > [SYNC Delay] > 0 ms - 20 ms (Default : 2ms))
  • Changed the startup screen at power-on.

Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been fixed.

  • UNDO is not possible on the Chromatic/16 Velocity screen during pattern recording.
  • Type does not switch when changing Scatter's Type parameter at high speed.
  • Certain mp3 files cannot be imported from SD card.
  • Extra space around the start point when resampling a pattern.
  • Minor bugs.

Changes made before Ver.3 are omitted. note that.


  • SP-404MKII
  • An SD card
  • A personal computer with a SD Card Reader/Writer.


  • Never apply this update data to any product other than the SP-404MKII. This update data may destroy the data or system program of other products.
  • Never power-off your SP-404MKII while the update is in progress!
    If a power failure or similar accident occurs during the update process, the SP-404MKII won't be able to start up in normal operating mode. This will require servicing, so you will need to contact Roland service center near you if this occurs.
  • We regret that we are unable to answer questions regarding the update procedure using this system program. Please perform the update responsibly, following the directions given in this document.


Please open/extract the downloaded "" file on your computer to get the "sp404mk2_sys_v405" folder.
Please make sure you have unzipped the downloaded update file.


  1. Format an SD card as described in "Formatting an SD Card" of "SP-404MKII Quick Start".
  2. Copy the update files (SP404MKII_APP0.bin, SP404MKII_APP1.bin) to the root folder of the SD card described above using a personal computer.
  3. Insert the SD card described above into the SD card slot on the unit.
  4. Hold down [ SHIFT ] and turn on the power.
    [ UPDATE SURE? ] is displayed on the screen.
  5. Press the [ VALUE ] knob.
    The update starts.
    * Never turn off the power while the update is in progress.
    When [ UPDATE COMPLETE! ] appears, the update has finished.
  6. Turn the SP-404MKII power off and remove the SD card from the SP-404MKII.
  7. Please verify the version number "4.05" with the procedure described in "HOW TO TELL THE VERSION" part of this document.
  8. Hold down the [ SHIFT ] button and press the pad [ 13 ].
    The UTILITY MENU screen appears.
  9. Use the [ VALUE ] knob to select "FACTORY", and press the [ VALUE ] knob.
    The UTILITY / FACTORY RESET screen appears.
  10. Turn the [ VALUE ] knob to select the "SYSTEM DATA", and press the [ VALUE ] knob to confirm.
    A confirmation message appears, asking if you want to initialize the data.
  11. If you wish to initialize, turn the [ VALUE ] knob to select "OK", and press the [ VALUE ] knob.
    The message "Please Power OFF" appears.
  12. Turn this unit's power off, and then on again.


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Roland - Support - SP-404MKII - Updates & Drivers (2024)


How to update SP-404? ›

Insert the SD card in SP404MK2 and proceed with steps below.
  1. Power ON with holding [SHIFT].
  2. Screen will display "UPDATER" Mode.​ ​
  3. Press [ENTER], Update will begin.
  4. When "APP0 UPDATER OK" and "APP1 UPDATER OK" , the update is successful.​ ​
  5. Restart MK2. ...
  6. Update the SP-404MKII App to the latest version if you are using it.
May 24, 2024

How do I update my Roland piano? ›

Connect the computer to the GO:PIANO's USB port by a USB cable. Press the [ ] (power) button twice in succession, and on the second press, continue to hold down the button. Continue holding down the [ ] (power) button until the message on the display changes from "ROLAND" to "UPDATER."

When did the Roland SP-404 come out? ›

Roland released the SP-404 in 2005 as the successor to their SP-303.

How to download SP 404 mk2 app? ›

SP-404MK2: How do I find and install the SP-404MKII App?
  1. Click the [Download] button on the SP-404MKII App product information page. ...
  2. Install Roland Cloud Manager following the messages. ...
  3. Launch the Roland Cloud Manager app.
  4. Click "Sign in to Roland Cloud."
Mar 26, 2024

What producers use SP-404? ›

Which producers use the SP-404? Many renowned producers use the Roland SP-404 sampler, including Madlib, Diabia$e, Flying Lotus, and, of course, NonJuror. The sampler has significantly impacted the hip-hop and electronic music scene, and it's become a go-to piece of gear for many producers.

What does the Roland SP404 do? ›

If you need to capture audio fast, the SP-404 provides an easy, efficient sampling engine; just connect an audio source or external microphone — or use the built-in mic. The SP-404 can house up to 24 samples in memory simultaneously.

Does sp404sx have internal memory? ›

Among the new features were an OLED display capable of showing sample waveforms, 16 GB of internal memory, USB-C and 32-note polyphony.

How do I update my Roland module? ›

Insert the SD card into the module, press and hold the RECORD button, and turn on the module. Let go of the button once you see the update screen appear. Press the RECORD button to begin the firmware update process. Once the update process is complete, turn off the module then turn it back on.

How many computers can I install Roland cloud on? ›

A Roland Cloud account can be used on up to five devices at the same time. If you need to remove a device from your account, you can use Roland Cloud Manager to un-sync that device.

How do I update ubiquiti? ›

Log in to the UniFi Portal or connect locally. Navigate to the Devices screen. Available updates are displayed in a device's Update status, and initiated by clicking Update. We recommend enabling automatic updates as a convenient way to keep your devices on the latest available versions at all times.

How do I update my analogue pocket dock? ›

Power your system off fully. Insert the SD Card into your system's SD Card slot. Power your system on. Your system will automatically begin to update.

How do I update my HP Proliant server? ›

Go to
  1. Select Download.
  2. Select Current Version.
  3. Select Download Next to the Full ISO Image selection.
  4. Enter your HPE Passport user ID and password.
  5. Follow the instructions to download the SPP ISO file.

How do I reset my sp404? ›

Hold down the [SHIFT] button and press the pad [13]. The UTILITY MENU screen appears. Use the [VALUE] knob to select “FACTORY” and press the [VALUE] knob. The UTILITY / FACTORY RESET screen appears.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.